Where is the horde (spoilers)

Grand Executor Mortuus was elected by Sylvanas herself in Silverpine during the Cataclysm questing.

At least you get some attention. Most Horde races only show up to see their leader killed in a book or minor questline.

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Sounds dumb.


There he is.

I’ll take your word for it. But when I played that storyline, I didn’t really see any “TERRIBLE COST” aspect to it. They were actually kind of blase about it: “Oh, you need to see Ysera? Sure, I can go hang out in Ardenweald for a while.” It felt (to me) more like Malfurion was volunteering to cat-sit for Ysera than making a NOBLE SACRIFICE.


I think since Warcraft 3 when they sacrificed their immortality to protect the world. That’s why those things don’t bother me, because I view that tragedy as kind of part of who they are.

Eh, it felt way too repeated to me. Like, to the point where I’m expecting Blizz to write a sad soliloquy about how I have to sacrifice a secondary character each time I go to open the fridge.

Besides, as was said above, the trade didn’t even matter because Malfurion came back so soon. So why not get through the trade with a single sad sigh instead of their decision to write the scene as wallowing in how sad it is that Malfurion must stay and alas they are parted for the bajillionth time by the cruel whims of fate… Blizz chose that framing. They chose which aspects of that story to linger on.

Not everything has to be a grand sacrifice, especially when that plot has been done again and again and again and again already.


Horde will be eating good in the next few entries. Metzen has (historically) been the only person in the building who understood the assignment, I think, when it comes to nailing down the vibes for The Horde. Judging from the interviews, it doesn’t sound like we’ll see too much of his hand in things until after War Within.

And if I’m wrong, fml, and I guess I’ll just not bother coming back any more, haha.


Metzen was responsible for our worst tradgedies like killing Cairne, Garrosh and Kael’thas. I have zero trust in him.


True enough.

And the sacrifice and sense of duty was something that really drew me to them back in the day. I can’t speak for everyone, but I was just really over stewing in the consequences of any positive development with night elves in particular. It felt kind of arbitrary – like, the reasons we needed Ysera back were kind of vague and the reason that Malfurion was the right character to jump on the bullet were rather unconvincing. Or maybe I was just tired and cranky.

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Oh, I agree specifically the Malfurion / Ysera thing feels weirdly arbitrary.

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Metzen literally laid the groundwork for the world we’re playing in. Your alternatives to Metzen era are Afrasiabi and Danuser, which… well, to each their own, I suppose.

Metzen started the trend of killing Horde leaders with the villain bat.

If it wasn’t for Metzen, you wouldn’t even have those characters to be mad about their deaths.


A bad track record speaks for itself. We need new writers who don’t think kiling characters is the only way to raise the stakes.

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You would have an argument If the alliance suffered those deaths too, but they didn’t.

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WotLK is the last expansion we got that could be purely attributed to his writing, and even that was only up through Ulduar iirc. Most of his focus shifted to what ended up becoming Overwatch after that. About the worst you can lay at his feet (and it was pretty bad) is the Cataclysm era Thrall stuff. I forget where it is, but he did something close to a tell all podcast after he left Blizzard where he goes into it with most of this stuff.

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So would you have rather never had Cairne, Kaelthas, and Garrosh at all?

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They served no role in WoW apart from being killed for shock value

Not what I asked.

If you like the characters then seems like you liked that they existed. Would you rather they just didn’t exist in the setting instead?

Dude was creative director of WC3.