Where is the horde (spoilers)

Malfurion left in the renown campaigns which was 10.0. He didn’t come back until 10.2.

But sure only after one patch… I guess we are not including all of the mini patches along the way.

It is a widely believed theory. That they were going to bring Ysera back and make her the Green Aspect again. While sidelining her daughter… despite the development she got in BFA.


Okay sorry mom.
Voljin has been dead for nearly a decade.
I was one (1) patch off for malfurion.

They weren’t making ysera green aspect. A dev said they wrote the story because their mom passed and they wanted closure.


Vol’jin need to be back. We haven’t heard from him since Shadowlands. He deserved so much better then Rokhan sullying the name of every Darkspear.

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Give me an entire questline for this. I want to put in the work to see him back, I want to have this moment where he becomes a powerful Loa, mighty and glorious. I want to look in awe as he rises up and says:

“Darkspear nevah die.”


I want the elves to get pushed back to the gates of ZA in Midnight, then when things look dire, an absolute flood of trolls rush out and rout the forces of the void with vol’jin at the head.

Have it come out that he’s been back for awhile, but has been making the rounds giving timeshare style pitches to the various troll tribes about how they can benefit from not being insular and violent, or at least aiming their violence at the right entities.


I want a glorious CGI cinematic for it as well.


That would be cool, and it would be fit for the prelates in their race. Him becoming a loa of light.

A Loa of what now

Loa of Light, like Rezen before. The Loa of Kings used a lot of holy light magic, in fact the prelates got their light abilities form Rezen, hence majority of the Prelates losing their powers after his death while only a handful still having power.

Voljin was heavily implied of taking Rezen’s place as Loa of King, the loa of light.


Rezan is not the loa of light.
He believed in himself so hard that the light empowered him.

The light doesn’t care what you believe, just that you believe it really hard.


Yes, we know.

Hence he is the loa of light, the loa of kings. Literally the reason why the trolls were using the light.


As someone who mains Alliance, I am happy we’re getting all this love, but yeah, it seems highly unlikely that Horde will even get a nod anytime soon.

Midnight is supposedly about all the Elves returning to the Sunwell. Nominally this means at least the Blood Elves, High Elves and Void Elves. But honestly could also include Nightborne (Highly likely given the marraige) and Night Elves. The likelihood that the Arathi are going to attack is very very high. The story is also supposed to center around the Windrunner sisters. One is currently in exile and the other two are Alliance. So that already seems super Alliance stacked.

Then there is The Last Titan. And I can only speculate but I think the Titanforged are going to be the big stars here. Dwarves of course, Earthen, Humans, Gnomes and Dracthyr. illidan will also likely make his return. It would also be could if Broxigar showed up. Although I think this is unlikely. I think after this point we will the introduction of an Elemental alliaed race, or more possibly the option for all existing races to become elementally infused, as Azeroth seems to have been intended to be.

But yeah, I don’t see any nods to the Horde unless they somehow shoehorn that Draenor was also supposed to be an “Elemental Titan” like Azeroth was.

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Ah, missed that. In that case, no predictions on a timeline for seeing Vol’jin again.

It sure looked that way to me too.

Was the blowback really that bad? I saw some grumbling on the forum here, but it didn’t swallow the conversation or anything. However, I don’t hang out on Xitter, which seems to be the main place that gets attention.


The blowback was honestly worse on Twitter tbh. A lot of people were upset the Night Elves were getting kicked in the teeth again. I’m honestly not surprised they brought Malfurion back.


It was notable. It wasn’t the craziest blowback we’ve had to an idea that went through anyway (Garrosh as Warchief comes to mind), but it was absolutely palpable.

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This is dumb and should be retcon’d to have some An’she lore development and to have an in-universe “forgotten history” for why all Zandalari architecture so heavily uses solar motifs and very rarely uses lunar motifs.


Yeah, I never really understood that perspective. One character from a large roster, who’s frequently derided as “practically neutral anyway,” goes temporarily absent and that’s “being kicked in the teeth”?


So, word is that the Alliance playerbase dwarves the Horde one now.
This is at least true in warmode shards, which isn’t indicative of it being true everywhere.
But if it is true, Blizzard has been working overtime on nerfing all Horde racials, buffing all Alliance racials, writing the Alliance to be amazing undefeatable gods*, and the horde as evil, weak, stupid buffoons that wish they were like the Alliance.

When does it stop being a conspiracy theory?

*In relation to the Horde.


Tbh I would’ve traded him for the Golden Jesusarus though tbh. Nuts Rezan went out like a punk twice.

At least we’ll always have Bwomsamdi. Who should just be around more. As should the Zandalari in general.

Would’ve loved to see Turyalon call us savages while dinosaurs laid down gold weaved finery for Talanji to walk down to inspect things. Then you could’ve had the rest of the Horde go ashore on standard Orc boats. And then you could’ve had Forsaken warships crest like whales with Dreadsail and Derek on them with the undead marines already walking ashore.

That would’ve been fun.


Turalyon would have had an aneurysm and I’m here for it.

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