Where is the horde (spoilers)

If I were to be cynical I’d say the statements are also because the devs (the director especially) are fixated on the idea that the only thing that appeals to most of the playerbase if the factions and everything else is window dressing, which to me feels like backward thinking.

But fine, some people do like the factions.

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There’s definitely been some stupid lore that has been added over the years. Of course nobody is obligated to enjoy every new addition. I was more talking about from a discussion point of view :dracthyr_nod:


Now that you mention it, I think so far it might be the right play. Talanji would NOT be fine with working alongside Jaina for example. Maybe eventually her skillset might be needed in the war against Xal and she will get some screentime like Tyrande did in the sense of ‘I have to bite the bullet and work with these people I hate for a greater good’.

Come to think of it, I kinda want to see these characters that still have bad blood coming to terms with it all, dealing with the post-war feelings and such. Show me this uneasy truce instead of just talking about it, actual dialogue instead of just chest pumping and a few snarky comments here and there.

Or maybe I’m delusional for wanting this and can’t see the monkey’s paw closing behind me.


This has always been an inherent part of the problem with the factions and their writing. They’ve been basically little more than a football rivalry in the minds of most of the writers since vanilla. Even war content was written through that lens (hence the utter stupidity of things like the ICC airship fight).


General Rakera, Rata, and the prelates are present so idk about involving Talanji or most Zandalari in this line. That is no small, nor inconsequential offering of soldiers on Talanji’s part. Also Trollbane is on the beach.

In general, pointing out things like this just highlights how unwilling the devs seem to be about tackling the animosity and writing through it. But then someone always seems to not be on the same page, citing Turalyon’s lines to horde and the whole flip flop they did with him.

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The thing i hate about how wow does animosity, is they refused to allow the horde to feel justified in its anger, cause blizzard seems to have the stance that the moment you turn to violence your cause is no longer justified, which is a wild stance to have for a country that only exists cause of violent rebellion


The Alliance doing bad/idiotic actions off the perception of Horde malfeasance is treated better than Horde reaction to actual Alliance aggression.

And that’s dumb as hell.


:100: this has been one of my biggest griefs with the story. To make it worse they go back and retcon things to make the horde look worse. Like horde starting the war in cata, WOD or wrath gate.


Mehlar Dawnblade’s in the same building, looking all spiffy. I missed him somehow when he got a wardrobe upgrade in Dragonflight, and now I want his tabard.


Yeah, what’s with that? His shoulders/cape/HQ Silvermoon tabard are a unique three-piece set like the night elves got at the end of their developer apology arc. Gimme. (Minus the player race genocide that warrants an apology arc, preferably.)


I am curious about that, as I’m surprised he got a wardrobe upgrade before Halduron or Rommath, let alone new unique armor. Maybe something that we’ll see more of Midnight? I’m not sure why he’s not wearing the shoulders that go with the legs and chest armor set he’s wearing, unless he’d look too much like the Veteran Blood Knight NPCs that wear the full set?


I figure they designed a BE counterpart to that NE set on principle but realized they hadn’t penned any BE content (really any Horde content) remotely comparable to Bel’ameth’s establishment and slapped it on Mehlar just to remind themselves it exists in the files. Hopefully one of Midnight’s vendors will let us get in on that. If not, there’s always the trading post…

Speaking of Halduron and Rommath, I’ll accept the former aping one of the Nighthold hunter sets for MN (the green one now Alleria has relinquished that color scheme, please?), but I’ll settle for nothing less than the conversion of Rommath’s halfway unique model into a really unique model a la Hearthstone. Eighteen, twenty years this guy’s been in line for a glow up.


I agree 100% on Halduron and Rommath. Halduron should have been rocking some form of the Eagletalon Battlegear by BfA; that set is by far the most classically Farstrider-looking set we have in game (and one of the few hunter sets that doesn’t look like the wearer crawled inside one of their kills). I like the design of the Rift Stalker set, but it definitely shows its age. Rommath’s design is great, it just needs an update to make the textures and colors consistent with the other Blood Elf armor refreshes we’ve gotten since Legion. If his tatoos had the same higher-resolution clarity that Alleria’s have and his robe was comparable to Lor’themar’s in terms of texture and color depth while keeping the same overall design, he’d look fantastic. I wouldn’t mind the Halduron keeping the Rift Stalker look if it got a higher resolution update, but in the meanwhile it feels strange that he’s still wearing it when the Eagletalon set is right there.


Not only looks but it’s what the rangers are wearing in belf heritage flashbacks, too (and yes he should be wearing the green version, which iirc was from either Normal or LFR).


Whaaa? I don’t mind really because the very next expansion, Midnight is going to involve Quel’Thalas the blood elf zone.

Elves are getting midnight and are gonna their 10th elf expansion in a row.

They can leave the chat.

When are we heading back to the real horde?

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10th elf expansion?

Cataclysm, MOP, WOD was a big orcisch party?
Vanilla to wotlk was no ones party

Legion was a big night elf focus
BFA was mixed, from trolls to humans to night elves to forsaken
SL was …bad, not a single focus there was good
DF was …in this regard strange aswell, but the night elf focus was a single patch in it, so lets count this if you want to.

The war within so far has one prominent elf, ONE! and all kind of peoples run wild here because of it.

I count three dwarfs, 1 orc, 2 humans, and one elf there. and the elf is the difficult one it seems for many here XD

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Well, two elves if we’re allowed to count Xal’atath possessing the corpse of a night elf. :dracthyr_nod:

Edit: Two whole elves in TWW and one’s a possessed corpse no less. Whoo hoo! Elven expansion here we go! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

High Elves are now Night Elves?

I’m totally blaming the keyboard for the mistake. Didn’t even notice the night elf part until just now :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Edit: And yes, I mean, technically, they are related sooo…. :dracthyr_heart: