Where is the horde (spoilers)

Steamrolled or otherwise, the Zandalari still rock. I just soloed Dazar’alor and man that is some atmosphere


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Never you mind that you stated Elune had nothing to do with any world tree’s creation, whence her children are involved and we know she aided with amirdrassil.


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Only when that lore is from an indisputable source. This is a disputed myth.

I’ll rephrase. Elune has nothing to do with 6 out of 7 world trees. Nor with G’Hanir. The only one that she does having been planted in the last few years.

If new lore adds to/retcons or even contradicts older lore, you ALWAYS go with the newest/latest lore.

Thems the rules.


It is a big stretch from everything we have seen they do not even know about elune’s existence.

The new lore only retcons older lore when it is from an indisputable source.

New lore from some sources just adds that these stories exist in Warcraft, but not that they’re necessarily true.

General rule is these stories are true until we’re told otherwise.

Unreliable narrator is just a fancy way of saying This may or may not get retconned in the future


The story in question specifically says the details are in dispute and is given as a myth.

You can believe it if you want. That’s certainly your right. I’ve given the reasons why I don’t. It may get affirmed more in the future, we’ll see.

Like I said, it’s Just a fancy way of saying that most of it’s true, but some details are or will likely be changed. Gives the writers a excuse and lots of leeway if some details do end up getting changed in the future

Other than that? Nobody said you’re obligated to believe it. Which is fine :dracthyr_nod:


No one wants to be a loser.

Anyway, I do agree with the basic point that the Horde’s been conspicuously absent.

I mean, we’re going down into the depths of the earth and no tauren apparently has anything to say about it, even though they’re so in tune with the land they literally worship the Earthmother.


The Haronir seem to worship Azeroth directly. They mention the world song a number of times, which is what directs their actions.


I finally finished the faction bit of the post 80 campaign and good grief it feels so shoehorned in parts.

Also I didn’t miss that while the “high commanders” on both sides are posturing and not doing anything other than annoying the high speaker, the big work of training is all cross faction or neutral groups (the leaders of the LFD, Blood Elves and Zandalari at the armory, field trainers like Ji and Aysa), which just makes the faction posturing from Geyarah and Turalyon more annoying for how shoehorned it all feels.

It’s one of these moments that made me ask, yet again, why we even need the factions, since they only seem to remain so orc and human characters can do inane chest thumping.

Also I think I just hate the high commander thing conceptually because it feels like such an obvious bone for the WC2 obsessives and that always concerns me about the future of the game when I see those.


Apart from Liadrin and her student I didn’t see any blood elves so far.


Brightwing’s there with Rakera, his latest troll friend. Although he probably died of cringe when the Arathi guy called Alleria by his title.


Meh I really should only do RP until Midnight comes out. Seems like it is not needed that I walz through an alliance only expansion.

While Geya’rah was certainly a choice given she’s a ‘blood and honor, lets smash everyone’ kinda orc, or kinda orkky if I dare say, and Turalyon drops “savage” at the Horde player the moment you talk to him, you notice of the commanders and leaders they chose to bring to Dorn were the more amenable of them all.

Ji and Aysa, Dezco and Kor, Voss, the Grimaxes, Tahu, Aponi, Liadrin, the Gerriks, Lyalia, the Starshades, Thisalee, Delas Moonfang.

You know who we don’t see? Admiral Rodgers, Genn, Talanji and most Zandalari, Tyrande, Umbric, Rommath, Ivar, Usha, generally controversial or faction antagonistic characters.

While they have not really shown us the animosity that remains between the factions, especially among the every day folks or previously mentioned characters that still have a bone to pick, they are trying to at least tell us that there is still that uneasy relationship between the two, walking back, correcting, or balancing out a lot of the ‘holding hands singing kumbya’ criticisms they’ve been receiving. Which is a good thing because certainly the humans who had all their relatives slain by the meat grinder that was, apparently, the 4th War, aren’t going to be too forgiving. Same for Night Elves who lost their home and relatives, almost regardless of the whole ‘renewal’ story line that we were given, the Zandalari that were lost, Rastakhan among the largest that brought all the trolls together for a brief moment in mourning.

The world is more is far more than our characters openly chatting with every major faction leader we come across and armies forced to play nice from orders from further up against another larger threat.


FWIW I think their banter could be hilarious because it would be so much more personal than Geyahrah and Turalyon. These are two men who knew each other personally for possibly centuries having a falling out. Much better source of material than the tribalilstic chest thumping of humans vs orcs.

As for the 4th war, I will always maintain that the story should have as much respect for BFA’s place in the lore as the writers have shown for it (which is literally none, the expansion was retconning itself live and with Chronicles making it make even less sense it just feels like an extended N’zoth vision)


Officially, maybe, but there are some retcons I just refuse to accept because they make no sense.


Cause people enjoy the factions enough that the devs had to make several statements saying they were not cutting out factions