So no Horde to be seen so far in the new story of the upcoming expansion. Did Blizzard finally give up on writing anything for the team since all our actual lore relevant characters are dead now? Is that the way of the future? Doomed to be the sidekick of the alliance all the time?
Thrall was with you in Isle of Dorn after Dalaran fell.
When we get to Khaz Algar and we drive the Nerubian away, he goes back to Orgrimmar to “get ready” which means gather reinforcements. Which means this is very likely to happen in the next content patch
The Sunreavers survivors are seen everywhere in Khaz Algar.
Isn’t that enough?
I mean it is only normal to have Moira and Dragan to be around because of the story.
Tough for the Horde to have a meaningful presence when the majority of its prominent members have been killed off, imprisoned in The Maw, or spend entire expanions doing little to nothing while hanging out in a single zone.
That’s my main concern as well. I want some “serious” Goblin content with depth/lore. I don’t want a joke-fest of exploding machines and greed comments every 5 seconds.
Yes. It’s not half as bad or screwed up as people make it out to be.
Shadowlands is a low point that can mostly be ignored. Dragonflight is a course correction. I’m ready for them them to give us the conclusions we’ve been waiting for.