That is what I fear really. I can’t fathom another Legion like expansion where the Horde was 100% ignored.
Boy I have some news for you.
That is what I fear really. I can’t fathom another Legion like expansion where the Horde was 100% ignored.
Boy I have some news for you.
The what? Do you mean the Alliance?
The horde has no real identity other than “the faction that wants to kill the alliance.” So when it comes time for heroes, they don’t have much to offer other than Thrall and occasionally Baine.
Sorry that you chose the side of the warmongers and not heroes.
Yep all Horde are now becoming void elf mages.
And we have a longer quest then shadowlands to find his weapon.
You’re joking right?
Imo Horde are appearing in larger numbers later in the expansion.
There are rumors, nah, more than just rumors- there is speculation Orgrimmar will be reworked, thanks to the Earthen, and we’ll have a full harbor and stuff like what Stormwind has.
It’s to prepare for future expansions as well.
At that point, probably in some patch, Horde will have its fleet ready to head back and support Horde players further.
Not a lot of Horde NPCs, and that’s by design.
Don’t get baited alliance fans love to sow chaos and discord.
Nope. Thats the way it is. Since the orcs invaded Azeroth, their primary narrative has been fighting the Alliance.
Where as the alliance has had a much more robust narative of defending themselves and saving Azeroth
As someone who plays both alliance and horde, I enjoy when stories differ and I get to play both sides. It’s kind of a bummer when the stories are barely different and we end up just doing the same quests all the way through. I barely played my horde alts in DF because I tend to lean more on my alliance, I did get maybe 3-4 to 70 but they were no different than any other alt. Just my opinion though, I know people with only one character or a couple alts on one faction don’t like this idea, and I understand.
They got all killed any time Blizzard needs villains to fill raids and dungeons.
I have 21 characters most of them are Horde.
Both factions have fodder NPCs.
I’m not taking these comments seriously lol.
Because a lot of y’all simply don’t know the lore beyond a surface level and it shows.
Not even remotely close to the way it is.
The Horde is the interesting faction, we have varying identities and beliefs and our NPC’s actually do more than “uhhh… for the Light? or something?”
The Alliance by comparison is a bad joke. And if anyone pays attention to the story leading up to TWW they’d know the Horde is more complex than what ever it is that you think the Horde is about.
The Alliance is a b plot from a Disney movie.
Do they now? I can’t remember any of the current race leaders of the alliance actually becoming a raid boss and then killed. That just doesn’t happen.
Always bothered me Orgrimmar didn’t have a normal harbor to the sea. Also all the forests in wc3 durotar are gone.
They can be as “complex” as they want. That doesn’t change the fact that they are primarily antagonist in WoW and have no hero characters (other than Thrall) to contribute to world scale events.
It so bad that Blizz is putting on overtime to make Lilian Voss relevant
Because Alliance leaders generally aren’t playing both sides for power.
Horde has had traitorous leaders since it’s inception lol. This is probably the first time in WoW’s history since Thrall as Warchief, where we have someone that actually cares about the Horde (the council).
Gul’dan? Grom Hellscream?
The whole reason the orcs were “evil” in the first place, and invaded Azeroth, is because they were tricked into doing so.
Alliance has its issues too, Onyxia (Lady Prestor) was an Alliance leader lmao, and so was Deathwing at one point.
“The Light” as a whole, isn’t exactly good but it’s a key part of Alliance and their cultures.
Just because one faction has two or so faction leaders turn out rotten, doesn’t mean that’s all it’ll ever be lol.
Because Blizzards usually kills our lore NPCs before they can do anything meaningful.
Not a traitor.
Died before WOW even began.
That was all before Warcraft 3 where the lore was changed.
You know it is a bad situation if the best they can do is Gorgonna.
Lmao, he drank the demon blood.
I’m out, dude was the very reason Orcs were ashamed of themselves.