Where is the Castle Nathria Memory Vender?

My friend waited in Q for over an hour waiting to get into old raid content that no one is running to collect a memory to build a legendary. He never got in.

This seems like a terrible oversight. Any chance we could move the memories blizz?

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Welcome to World of Latest Content Patch.


so the question still stands. how do you jump into current content if you cant even collect the memory to build a legendary? What are people doing to get around it? This seems like the biggest /facepalm ever.

I am kind of surprised they didn’t add them in some where else now. I guess you better hope your BIS one isn’t from an older raid.

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You can buy an item from your renown vendor that gives a random legendary memory that you have yet to learn.

That item has been in the game since launch. It only costs 35 grateful offerings but it requires rank 2 of the anima conductor and 4 areas fully reinforced (so a min of 40 days after unlocking the conductor) iirc.


May actually need to organize a group and queue as a huge unit tbh unless Blizzard changes it. Most people that would want it already have it.

This legendary system is crap from every angle.


Nice, that is good information right there!

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yay a solution thank you!

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wait…I just realized how long this would take. 35 offerings for a random memory? The RNG in that…Ugh! There has to be a better way. That is just not realistic for a returning player. A vendor is what we need. Or put them somewhere relevant!

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That you don’t have. There are only two that are locked in the previous raid.

I understand that, but if your best one is in that old raid you are saying he would have to go farm up all the crappy ones just so that he can have a chance at rolling the one he needs. And that’s after he spends 40 days upgrading his anima conductor and reinforcing it to a rank 2 just so he could buy the thing? Terrible design. Surely blizz can see this will turn away players.


Well the only other option is to get some people together and do the bosses on normal. At this point you can easily 10 man the old raid. And if you get some people who had it on farm, you can use the skip if you only need one off the later bosses.

Yep which is why Blizz should throw the memories on the valor vendor or something. No one wants to go back to an old raid at the start of a new patch.

I want to for transmog

Is that not allowed anymore?

There isn’t. It’s either run the wing in LFR or spam acquire these books when possible. If you really wanna game the system, having multiple alts all farming the grateful offerings to increase your chances might help, but yeah. Very flawed system.

The drop rates are trash. So this really doesn’t appeal for current runners. Have at it but yeah…you will not be picking up crews quick and easy.

While empathy for OP’s friend reality is most peoples new BIS is on the renown unlock around 50. I am looking at a few classes its a renown drop.

So alts in those lucky classes…no longer need lfr CN. Spam renown, have a nice day.

Season 2 lfr as I have done it is not so bad. If its lft night…I will sign up here. For me and others no nostalgia to CN. Or need.

I have CN on the wow 13.0 to do list if it makes it that far at this point. many do…Why this system is trash. those who wold like to go here…kind of SOL most of their log in time.

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Ohhhhh god.

Haven’t even looked into this. That’s going to be a nice surprise for a lot of people.

Phew, finished my leggo grind, ding, no you diddn’t.

The drop rates for raid powers is 100%, you can’t ‘not’ get them. It’s impossible.

It’s just a matter of getting into the raid wing that has the boss that drops them, which depending on your server can be easy or hard.

I think they were talking about transmog, as they replied to my post about wanting to do old raids that still require a group (like CN) for transmog.