Where is THE BURNING CRUSADE SERVER for the people who have a taste for it?

It deeply saddens me to accept the fact that we don’t have a chance to play tbc again and ever again if I’m being quite honest. Blizz you have fans and subscribers with a variety of different tastes some like vanilla some like wrath and some like TBC. one or 2 servers would be amazing at this time when people are burnt on wrath, and they will lose interest in CATA in time. TBC has some of the best zones and ambience in wow to this day quests attunes arena etc. just one tbc server please.


I would play tbc over Cata


it would be destroyed by bots and gold sellers and gdkp. enjoy ur nostalgia.


If you’re having fun those things don’t matter at all bro


You missed your chance to demand this two years ago.

Blizzard believes that the Classic train has to continue chugging forward, damn the players’ feelings.


tbc servers were not saved because according to the developers, you can still play through tbc in retail and thus there is no need for it, same reason wotlk servers wont be saved. Classic was saved because it no longer exists in retail as the cataclysm destroyed the old world.

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I mean only problem with tbc is the lack of a big world where stuff happens like in vanilla and sod. I mean as you say when people fast lose interest in cata tbc might be there. There was alot of raids to do in tbc, and well that was enough for most.

There’s a lot of rumors that Azeroth will soon have another revamp in Retail. Which means the Cata Azeroth won’t exist anymore…except in Cata Classic.

So, if true, you’ll have original Azeroth in Classic Era. You’ll have the destroyed Azeroth in Classic Progression server, and the Restored Azeroth in Retail.

While I understand that there is a niche audience for each classic xpak, keep in mind, this has to be PROFITABLE for them. I dont even think they would get enough NEW subscriptions or RENEWED subscriptions to cover 1 employees salary for this.

The sad fact is that Blizzard doesn’t normally bring in many new subscribers, they simply cannabalize their current playerbase. This means there is ZERO profit when they start something new unless it taps another genre or something like classic wow that brought back old players.

it was pretty leet in 2021 or w/e.

instead of level 60 store boosts or tokens, they could sell us a barbershop add-on, a transmog toy and then cosmetic recolors of vanilla and tbc tier sets / dungeon sets / weapons. an eversong cougar mount, an ashenvale deer mount, a bloodmyst isle moth mount, and they could make all of these things available as world drops with a low drop chance but sellable on the ah

and if they really wanted to hype it up, make height changes a barbershop option

would fit tbc perfectly

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There are two kinds of companies, those that are driven by the bottom line and those that are not. You can tell the difference. Those not driven by the bottom line go out of business.

Then how would the players feel?

SWG:NGE players and Shadowbane players have been homeless for decades.

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Exactly my point. Video companies that survive make decisions based on maximizing revenue while keeping costs in check which may or may not be what a few people in the forums are requesting.

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Once SoD is done I truly hope we get some fresh vanilla servers that will progress through TBC and wrath again. Sadly I don’t see it happening for a long time. Still have some hope for SoD(classic +). The hype was huge and phase 1 was a lot of fun I thought. Phase 2 for me so far has not been very enjoyable. I mainly pvp and I can’t stand the glass cannon style of play. Would it really cost that much to open a new vanilla or TBC server? Honest question I truly don’t know what all goes into it.

Cata ruined the world of Vanilla, BC & Wrath.

We need Era servers for all three Classic versions!

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Well that’s a theory and it’s what some people believe.

Others believe the drop in subs came the same time people turned from video games to social media which was the new kid on the block.

A TBC season of discovery would be neat. But also just a straight up TBC era server would be nice too.


which, to me, defeats the point of classic. especially w cata coming, and the old word revamp putting the world right where it is in retail (mostly, a few exceptions).

i was expecting a few vanilla, a few tbc, a few wrath. just feels like “retail, but ~15 years behind” is the goal now…?

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