Where is Pirates' Day?

It shows on the calendar that it starts today at 10 am server time. It is now 10:28.

It starts at 10am PDT. All calendar events start at the same time for the Region, regardless of the individual server’s time.


Calendar time isn’t server time?

I did not know this, thank you.


so 10am from blizzard means 1pm server time
and 10am from a player means 10am server time

I like good user interfaces.

Well, you can set your in-game clock to local time vs. server time, so the clock display itself can be taken care of. For calendar events, yes, you need to get in the habit of adding three hours to the posted time. It’ll come as second nature after you’ve been doing it for a while.

Depends on the player. I’m in Los Angeles, and in our guild I play with people as far west as Hawaii, and as far east as the UK. I need to keep that in mind, as those people tend to talk in local time. If my friend from the UK says, “see you at eight,” I know he’s talking about noon.

So do I, and for sure the calendar displaying the local time instead of server time would be a good QOL increase, but I wouldn’t let it taint the perceived quality of the entire UI. Overall, I’d say it’s pretty great, owing largely to the fact that you can modify it so greatly.


Switching between local time and server time doesn’t change anything in the calendar.

Edited my original post to be clearer. :man_shrugging:

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For calendar events it should be server time, because that’s the only time zone that is the same for all players on a realm.

Guild events work that way.

Yes, it would be a good quality of life increase, as I said. Meantime the work-around is to add 3, since there’s no addon that will do that for you.

The one at blizzard should add 3.
Not the thousands of players.

But okay. Since years they sometimes start a holiday event one hour early, and when you leave the event dungeon during that hour, your event loot will vanish. Some weeks ago they even started timewalking a day early on EU realms. Last year they started Darkmoon one week too late.

I’ll just link this here, so you can read a similar, and well explained answer. Calendar Date/Time


Here is an excellent old thread with Blue posts detailing why they do it this way:


And a simpler explanation from another player:


If it’s a blizzard event, it will be Pacific time? If it’s a non-blizzard event, it will be server time? Perhaps. Or Hawaiian time, or UK time?

It should be server time. Always.

Or they should change server time to Pacific time on all US-region realms.

The mess today isn’t okay. That’s not user-friendly. I don’t want to know, how many support tickets were written because of that.

Yes, I’ve said several times it should. I agree. It would be a good quality of life increase. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t hold my breath for a change, due to the technical issues the Blue talked about in the old post I linked.

This is a bit hyperbolic. It’s not that hard. Any Blizzard event will be in Pacific time (adjust for your locality).

Non-Blizzard events are at the time you set them. You literally control the time, so pick it, and make sure your members know what it is. That includes players from the UK, Hawaii, and rural Uzbekistan. If they are going to make an event, they choose the time, and let others know - either it’s six PM server, or six PM Uzbeki local time. As long as everyone knows, everyone can show up at the same time. Time zones may seem like a pain, but they are a fact of life.

Coordinating with people from all over the world does normally require single- and double-digit math. I’m sorry, I don’t have a solution for you outside of addition or subtraction.

Best of luck; I’ve said everything I can that applies.


Sure, but you started talking about Hawaii and UK. :innocent:

I know. That’s why we have server time. And everyone should comply with that. Including Blizzard. It’s not that hard. It’s only a little piece of software to make it user friendly.

Calendar events, like most things in WoW are locked by region, and set to a single time so that there isn’t any cross-server hiccups due to an event happening or not happening at the time you phase to that server. For the North America Region, that happens to be based on PDT, think California time. While it can cause some confusion, this is how things have been for a very long time.

If you’d like to suggest a change, it would be best to make a thread in the General Discussion forum.

Edit: When I say “Calendar Events”, I’m referring to events set by Blizzard. Events set by players could be for any time and/or timezone they choose.