Where is my two-handed shaman

Hey Blizzard, awesome news so far at Blizzcon, you left out the slide that Enh shaman are getting a two-handed option again. It’s totally cool, just tweet it later. We understand you are kinda busy!


not coming they dont want to change class design much so if you dotn like bfa’s class design if you dont like shadowlands.

im glad i leveled my classic chr this far.

I like the class design in bfa. They could make 2handed just cosmetic if nothing else but I would like those big numbers if it wasn’t. I think they could sure up the aoe of the class but outside of that I really like the fast-paced proc based style of enh.

yea i would welcome in 2h ench coming back myself!

2h shaman is in the only place where it sorta worked.


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they said they arnt changing much and enhancement will be dw you are going to be playing the same class design that you ahve played since legion and will be playign for 6 years…no thx.

thats why im playing one in classic.

Almost every two handed mace and axe was collected and used by my enhancement shaman. I knew dual wield did better damage but I preferred to play with a two handed weapon. I can’t believe I can equip the 2 handed weapon and not even be able to use it. And now that we all have personal loot, it’s not like we will be taking away from and arms warrior or even a DK. I’m not asking for windfury. I’m asking to have the option to play the class how I want and not how I’ve been forced recently. I think player agency is all about choice, and Shamans don’t get the choice.

i’m tilted

this would be something i’d like

big numbers tied to auto attacks is HORRIBLE design and would only floor us in pve viability and make our entire pvp viability based on rng and not actually playing well or doing anything but auto attacking

to think anyone wants either of those situations for enhance is wild to me

if you want ‘big numbers!’ you should advocate for overcharge to be un nerfed
because the only way to bring big numbers to enhance in a tasteful, skillful, and balanceable way would be to bring back legion earthenspike overcharge sundering combo windows


Don’t be a bully dear.

you’re actively advocating for the removal of enhancement in all forms of content besides random world pvp/bgs by suggesting ‘big numbers on auto atks would be welcome’ without thinking of the consequences
simply because
"i play wow a little every couple months kinda and would be cool to do a wpvp as ench!11!11" (:face_vomiting:)

im gonna bully anyone whos selfish enough to only think of their small slice of the world when suggesting changes to a spec


What would make them tied to auto attacks? Auto attacks lost all of their power in Cata. People want to hit stormstrike, lava lash, rockbiter and see a bigger number than two numbers overlapping and not really seeing what they are. It used to be that way. Same thing for Frost DK. Now they don’t get that choice, all for stream lining and “balancing”
This game will never be balanced, nor should it be. Certain classes should excel in something’s and not so great in others.

You’re obviously very bitter And damaged about the topic.

I would be completely fine with getting 2h ench as a glyph or purely cosmetic. I just want the option.

You need to deal with your mental trauma elsewhere. I’m not a psychiatrist.

anyone who actually plays shaman tilts when casual tourist shamans say ench

sorry if i hurt your feelings

dont be so quick to post opinions that clearly weren’t very thought out and i wont have to correct you :slight_smile:


The only one with hurt feeling is you.

This is now your second comment of you needlessly lashing out.

Seek help. K thx.

i am a hero at call

none of this cyberbullying was needless

im sorry you feel this way

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Thanks to admitting to cyber bully.

The mods will probably be having a word with you shortly.


Another lasher outer.

If y’all don’t relax and breathe…

you cant hide bad selfish opinions behind the shield of a mod

dont be so sensitive that someone correcting you is deemed an unlawful direct attack against you


excuse you?

you’re the one who willingly admitted to cyber-bullying like a hour ago…