Where is Magatha?

I want the Doomhammer Horde back. Bend on conquest but with limits.

We know you want the genocidal, slave owning, demon worshipping horde back Erevien

We know because Pepperidge Farms remembers

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You know nothing about me Karestae Snow

Can’t hide. Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers all

The mage looks at the horizon-spanning barren plains, his staff heavy in his hand but never heavier than his heart in his chest. Duty compelled him to defend the Horde to his dying breath, Lok’Tar Ogar as they say. But his soul longed not for the red banners between spikes and twisted iron, not for the drums of war and smell of blood. He longed oh so dearly for the one person that always made him feel alive. The tender blue of the draenei’s skin was always near the valiant golden lions of the Alliance, so far away across the ocean.

And yet… Distance was never a problem, not really. Teleportation magic was at his fingertips, and yet he felt his lover so distant this time. The chasm between them was build not with geography, but discourse. Although they could almost never agree on their viewpoints about the Horde and Alliance, they were still the only two people that could stimulate each other. Debating with others was never the same. It lacked… Magic. The spark that made it truly special.

So as he watched the barren wastelands south of Orgrimmar, he asked himself “Have we gone too far this time? Was that our last tryst?” The answer didn’t matter, for posing the question by itself was already too painful a burden to bear.

And the barrens were as merciless a witness as the tear falling down his face.

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Is this about Zerde or…

I killed her.

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If that’s the name that came to mind, then that’s the name that came to mind, dear reader.

good work.

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If you like her, you should be glad she hasn’t shown up lately, because she’d just get ruined and/or killed.

(Personally, I don’t know where she is and don’t really care.)

She’s in Thousand Needles. Subsisting on a steady diet of government cheese and LIVING IN A VAN! DOWN BY THE RIVER!

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Yeah just what we need…

Even more Horde focus/bias.

What do you want copycat?

Copycat? I think you’re the copy around here.

I have been here since 2018.

I have been here since 2004.

I am talking about the forum only not the game.


oh my god there are 2 of them?!?!

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Don’t worry I am the original.

Unfortunately :dracthyr_nod: