Where is Magatha?

You should have played a shamanen then, goofy Everine!!! Then you could have a Doomhammer!!!

I dunno, seems the exact same exactly to me. I literally cannot tell you both apart.

Maybe one of you is from another timeline, like the murloc one. Only less adorable.


Erevien is a Horde patriot everyone knows that.

You spelt Alliance lover wrong

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serious question I thought it got destroyed in cata and its not on the world map

You’re thinking of Kezan. It was destroyed when Deathwing shattered the world, causing the volcanoe on the island to erupt and the surviving goblins getting on boats to flee.

This is why you know nothing of the game clearly and the horde bias rampant in it.

Comparing yourself to me? HA

alliance bias is still real.

where is it? all alliance warcraft 2 leaders are dead or turned evil. horde leaders are all mostly heroes and still alive. this patch kills an Alliance character that has been around since vanilla as a sick joke.

Guys, I think this one must be the real Erevine. He sounds much more like the real Erevine than the fake Erevine.

Red Erevine, stop impersonating the real Erevine!! Show us some form of identification to prove you’re not fake Erevine!!


She’s the last original MU Exarch, but there are others in Outland during TBC, so presumably either the rest of the originals were succeeded (aside from Maladaar, who seems to be back as undead Exarch of the restored Auchenai, which as a group was mostly driven mad and not really interacting with the other draenei until recently) or the surviving post-Horde draenei society created new cultural branches that are each led by their own Exarchs.