Where is Magatha?

Where is Alleria?

I miss her. Haven’t seen her in a thousand years. Did blizz forget?

My concern is legitemate. Blizzard needs to build more Tauren leaders Up then just Mayla and Baine.

Where is Kah Mistrunner?

I miss him. Haven’t seen him in 15 years. Did Blizzard forget?

Magatha only cares for her own power and the Grimtotem as a whole. She’s never going to wash the villain-stink off.

Hamuul, Lasan Skyhorn, Dezco, Perith Stormhoof could all easily get uplifted to more prominence if the devs wanted it.


Magatha is literally the most important Tauren right after Baine so it makes sense when she comes back eventually.

Where is Jevan Grimtotem?
I miss him. Haven’t seen him in-game. Did Blizzard forget?


Jevan is a stand in. He was never meant to be a real leader. Also he failed his ingame appearence since Blizzard wasted the Tauren heritage quest on Shadowlands exposition.

Imagine simping for extras.

Pft. Where is Undermine?!

I miss the place. It’s been 20 years. Did blizz forget?

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Blizzard just hasn’t decided to use her yet. Though as she was datamined for Dragonflight and mentioned in the anniversary event we know they haven’t forgotten her.

I really want him and the other Horde Grimtotem to make an appearance.

I rather like the idea of a Grimtotem vs Grimtotem storyline.

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No more internal conflict!

For you?

There can be only Eternal Conflict!

I’m surprised Erevien likes a character that accepted Alliance funding to attack the Horde.


So did Baine when He accepted Help from Jaina.

Erevien LOVES anyone who tries to destroy the horde.

Because all he wants is to be a slave and a soldier to the legions puppet Gul’dan and the genocidal First and Second War horde

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I hate gul’dan. Without him the Horde had won the Second war.

You love him Erevien. It’s why you want the genocidal, demon worshipping horde back

He’s your G.O.A.T.

How are you surprised? Erevine loves the Alliance. All he wants is the worst version of the Horde, the version that loses all the time, so he can engage in his Alliance power fantasies.


Join the Blue Side. Where your hero’s live and become living gods

And Erevien took it personal and went all in on it :dracthyr_nod:

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I see it clearly now. Erevien and Zerde are either the same person or lovers in secret.

Oh yes. The story writes itself.


Star Crossed lovers battling for Alliance Supremacy in all things

I can envision a story on it :dracthyr_uwu:

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