Where is Dragonflight? Is it down?

I logged in all my toons are gone. Wants me to pay for starter edition? Is Dragonflight down?

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my 2 dragon flight accts are gone but i can logg into them the old fashion way. so confused

Oh they deleted it cause there’s no use for it anymore. Come back next fall I guess. Or try Warcraft Rumble


Are you on WoW2 or WoW1?

Restarting the launcher did fix this for me.

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This happened to me likely due to a bug when they pushed the sale of the new expansion to the launcher.

Exit the launcher entirely and restart and they’re back.

Epic fail on Blizzard’s part.

Just a reminder that it’s a 20-year-old game.

Log out of battle net completely and logg back in worked for me!