Draenei Warlock this, Mag’har warlock that! What about us pandas!
I’m not upset or anything I j ust want to be including in the conversation.
Draenei Warlock this, Mag’har warlock that! What about us pandas!
I’m not upset or anything I j ust want to be including in the conversation.
Evil pandas are cute if wasn’t switching my warlock to kul tiran she would so go panda. I don’t really have a boat in the lock lore race so Woo panda locks.
KT over panda! how dare you!
But yes we stan evil pandas.
No real harm on the lore. Could’ve taken the knowledge from the Mogu. Perhaps even using their demon.
Oh boy… I remember this guy from Throne of Thunder Raid. His maze mechanic was almost impossible at LFR.
Lightforged warlocks make no sense because they have to sort of swear off fel, demons, and void to become lightforged in the first place.
Pandas have no such hangups to stop them becoming warlocks.
Theres nothing to take issue with, with this combo
I’m thankful now that the LFR journals have somewhat improved by offering strats. Though I don’t recall it mentioning throwing rocks in the recent LFR wing.
lol nobody wants to be a panda
I only have so much energy to fight for races maintaining their culture!
Pandas consumed by the Sha. Long lost Sha of Charisma.
Yes! give us sha skins for our demons blizzard!
Me too, because Zalandari are all about light I think.
Nomi is at the least a panda warlock in hiding and at worst a dreadlord that broke ranks to burn food. So you’ve had a potential trainer for a few years.
I thought he was a fire elemental.
Lmfao like that matters to literally anyone except you and 3 people. Get over it.
Basically all races have warlock justification, the people getting mad are just stupid
But yea panda have like several means to get connected to them, but I still imagine them being peaceful with it which would be funny
Pandas are often an afterthought, if people think about them at all.
Forumites’ brains can’t handle that much information all at once.
Evil Bears FTW!