Where does it say honor vendors are coming tomorrow

my homies keep saying that but i cant find any info wtf mate

tomorrow at launch is when the 4k honor cap is increased back to 15k. I’m assuming when that happens, honor vendors will be open as well.

Edit: If they don’t open I’m gonna be pissed.


iirc didn’t everyone have to get wpvp gear until season 1 started when df launched?

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When DF launched I thought there wasn’t honor gear for a week or so and that’s why people were getting WM gear first? Memory’s bad though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m hoping for honor gear tomorrow but might be a week of wpvp farming bloody tokens. At least the expensive crafted pvp item should become more reasonable soon.

Bloody tokens won’t be available until s1 starts apparently. They changed how they work, they are a weekly capped currency now that buys the epic gear directly. The blue stuff will only come from wPvP quests, I think.

Sounds like it could be a boring week without much to work towards, granted the non-early access players will be busy leveling.

how many people bought early access? seems like everyone and non early access is the poorer social classes

I’m going to assume that this will be the case, because there’s already a world pvp quest up that rewards new warmode gear. Monday morning as I type this.


Hmm I can’t see the stickied PVP update post in General anymore, but that was where the info was.

To their info it says as soon as early ends pvp vendor comes out. Which is 3pst. But logically i can see it coming out with reset. so probably a 50/50 tbh.

Honor Uncaps on the 26th.

  • Honor will continue to be earnable and will reset with the start of Early Access on August 22. At this time, we will temporarily change the honor cap to 4000. The Honor cap will return to 15000 with TWW launch on August 26.

Conquest will start with Season

  • Conquest and Bloody Tokens will cease being earnable at pre-season start on August 20 and will reset with new versioning on August 26. These will become earnable again when The War Within Season 1 begins.

PVP vendor available “after early access”

  • The PvP vendors for The War Within will not have items available to purchase during Early Access so that all players will have equal access to level 80 PvP gear at the same time.
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heh. little do they know i have a crapton of honor stocked up across a buncha alts =)

You and a bunch of others I’m sure. I know I do lol.

I didn’t bother, going in raw with my 4k honor! Anyways in Epics it’s pretty fast.