Where does everyone stand on updated graphics

I wouldn’t want updated animations or view distance. Anything else is ok by me, but I do prefer the vanilla textures to the current ones.

Yea, 640, 800 or 1024 graphics on a 5K monitor will look really good.

Will blizzard be shipping me a trackball mouse and a CRT? That’s about how much vanilla’s graphic’s should mean to classic.

Ridiculous analogy aside, neither of those things are in the game. It’s technology used to view the content, not the content itself. I may pop Citizen Kane in my Blu Ray player, but it doesn’t suddenly have amazing cgi, colorization, and special effects. It is what it was all those years ago, just viewed on modern technology.

Ask any chef what happens when the ingredients are altered in a recipe. A dash of graphics can dramatically change the flavor of the game.

But if you popped a dvd of an old movie you would also expect it to look better than the VHS copy you had from way back in the past. And that’s what I expect, I don’t really care if the use the new models or not but I do expect it to look better on my current set up than it did on my old one.

You’ll get it, then. By virtue of monitor and graphics card technology improving vastly over the past 14 years, Classic will look better now than it did. That has nothing to do with changing the underlying data–the graphical information is the same, the only difference is the display’s interpretation of it.

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It will. That’s the beauty of utilizing modern technology. You can turn those scales that always existed up to max. Something very few people could do back in the day.

Look, I know you’re still bitter this game is even being made. But at some point you need to accept Classic is being made to appeal to the very players that you mocked with your Wall of No.

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Sure it does, the underlying graphics in vanilla were designed to look a specific way for the hardware at the time. If what you say is true great, if it’s not then yes I expect them to improve the graphics.

Their aim is to make it look as close as possible to the original version. It won’t be “pixel for pixel” because that’s nearly impossible, but they aren’t out to intentionally improve any of the visuals. Because, as you will see pointed out quite often around here, “improve” is not an objective word, it’s a subjective one.

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I want it as close to the original as possible including old animations, character models and so on. I hear some of that’s impossible so I’ll settle for as close to that as we can get.


I’m not asking for them to arbitrarily increase polygon counts or something like that, but I do expect things to look as good on my current set up as they did on my set up at the time.

Is there a reason why they wouldn’t?

Why they wouldn’t what?

…Is there a reason why they wouldn’t look as good on your current setup as they did on your setup at the time? I guess I don’t understand your concern.

Well because I’m not playing on a CRT at 1024x768. Are you still playing on the same?

My question is: Why would it look worse on better equipment? If nothing else, it should look pretty much the same, right?

Yep it will look like a game designed for 1024x768 forced into a modern setup, which means bad.

I would really like to see a toggle for the new character models in Classic and maybe other stuff like upgraded water etc. I don’t see how that would affect the game or the “classic experience” at all.


Higher resolution doesn’t equate to improving the models/textures/etc.

You should have just asked: “Will the resolution be higher than it used to be?” Which, based on the fact that it’s running through the modern framework, I’m gonna have to say “yeah, probably.”

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Welp we’ll see in the beta I guess.