I know it’s still a while off and we have virtually no idea at this point how player housing will be implemented or received by the community when it arrives.
But if you had a choice of where you’d want to live in the world of Azeroth (and beyond), where would you pick and why?
Personally, it’s Westfall for me preferably somewhere by the coast. I remember being so immersed in the zone after leaving Elwynn forest.
It was completely different and felt like the real frontier of adventure where everyday citizens were simply trying to get by.
I always found a sense of peace when adventuring through Westfall despite all the chaos that came with the zone.
Going off of 100% hopium and I’ll play along.
Kul Tiras or Pandaria.
That would be pretty dope if we could choose where to park it.
I want my house in Tiragard Sound, Kul’Tiras, at the glaciers around kenning Lodge area.
Grizzly Hills is a pretty nice one (the music alone…love it).
However, one thing I like in this game - given how big it is - there are some very “tucked away” spots in various zones that, while I’m sure people have run across them, I would love to park a house in one of those spots that is secluded away from everything.
Where are those spots? …not telling! 
Coast of the Eastern Plaguelands. All that blight probably means the cost per acre is more than reasonable.
Mechagon city.
To line up with my favorite house in ESO, the Dead Mines
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I hear HOAs there are really rough, though…
I either want a cave hewn into the rocks, or a place in the air.
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One of those empty buildings in Ironforge.
A brownstown in Valdrakken, near the pub or coffee shop, or a Penthouse in Dalaran. I just need a magic door so I can get to it from other cities.
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Although a like the idea of being next to woodland pond/stream, I would also want to be somewhere close a moongate … er, I mean a city portal.
Drustvar. I love whole haunted vibe it gives.
Sholazar Basin. I loved that zone in north rend. I want to be part of the battling bears and lizards in my front yard hah.