Maybe a place in Ramkahen or in the Valley of Four Winds.
I suppose I could also do Mulgore or somewhere in Durotar if I had to stick to Horde lands.
Maybe a place in Ramkahen or in the Valley of Four Winds.
I suppose I could also do Mulgore or somewhere in Durotar if I had to stick to Horde lands.
Grizzly Hills so I can be far away from yall.
I bet you could get one for cheap right now, but it’s a real fixer upper.
I think a lot of people are going to be moving to Grizzly Hills. Hope you like neighbors!
For some reason, Fort Wildervar, in northern Howling Fjord, near Grizzly Hills border, always seemed cool and interesting.
In the depths of Vashj’ir or perhaps in Ny’alotha.
Suramar would be beautiful.
I would love a nice plot of land in Eversong Woods.
It doesn’t matter. I can guarantee they aren’t making houses you can just claim a plot and build. It will be generic hub building where you have to invite people to a room just to see it.
It would be nice where everyone was allotted so much land to build on and you could actually build in areas all over azeroth, or have guild cities like a survival game. But, this will be generic implementation at best.
My Druid would want a house in the Emerald Dream.
You all know they are going to do exactly what they did with garrisons in WoD. Remember the “put your garrison wherever you like”? How did that turn out.
I am not getting my hopes up that it will be any place other than a fixed instance spot.
Probably. All the houses will be either Human or Orc themed depending on faction all from the same instance portal. Yes that is likely what we will get. Till then let me dream. lol
I don’t really have a lot of interest in player housing so whatever is most convenient. I am super happy they’re adding player housing because it’s a great feature just not content for me.
There are so many gorgeous sky boxes out there. But I’d probably settle with Kul’Tiras for the aurora borealis sight.
In my head canon, this one lives on a pacified Isle of Quel’Danas, which is sort of an eclectic, Bohemian community now. That’d be perfect.
I just want a warm place in Shadowmoon Valley in the alternate world of Draenor.
Somewhere I can gaze at the beatiful sky, see my garrison and look out toward the temple of Karabor.
Though I think only Azeroth would have homes, I believe somewhere in Redridge Mountains.
Hot take, my first pick is Vashj’ir. Not because of how the zone played out mechanically, but I think having an underwater house would be super cool.
Second pick would be Stranglethorn Vale. Got a soft spot for the aesthetics and music of the zone.
If they clean up easten plaguelands or felwood. Feels like fitting places to be.
I love this place
Jotunheim in Icecrown