Where do you find groups for premades?

That developer told us to find groups.


I spent an hour and a half looking.

I have a premade discord and my server discord, as well as sitting in Thunder Bluff spamming trade chat and general chat.

I couldn’t find a single group. Nobody wants a Rogue in their group.

I tried making one but didn’t get enough to join after a while so I gave up.

Why does he make it sound like you can just join a group so easily?

1.5 hours is a very long time simply trying to find a group. What if you only have 2 hours to play?


Go bAcK tO rETaIL if You don’t wAnT to spent 2 hours finding a group bro.

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Apparently lol.

just roll priest or hunter, there problem solved, dev logic! LMAO sod is a joke…

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Then you’re going to want to get better at networking and scheduling your playtime, or find and join other people who are.

The constraint of only having 2 hours to play, and choosing to use it to play WoW Classic, while specifically wanting to join premades for whatever reason is your own personal choice.

And if you’re not particularly good at that sort of thing already (scheduling your playtime with others), then that’s a skill that make take considerably more time to learn and develop.

While I imagine that this is made in jest, ironically Retail does have systems that cater specifically to people who don’t have time for the systems of Classic. Finding groups to do things, even automating group finding, or having specific solo-play options does seem to fall into this category.

Of course anyone who likes those sorts of things and also likes SoD may want to see SoD adopt them. I personally prefer SoD how it is, but I can appreciate that others can and do have different opinions and preferences.


But it isn’t my choice to join a premade.

I am forced to because otherwise I lose every single game and gain next to no progress.

So how do I get better at networking? This thread is literally asking where to find groups. So, where do you find them? You seem to know yet you left that part out for some odd reason.

Please, enlighten us.

Exaggerations get you nowhere

It’s difficult to take your post seriously, but I’ll do my best to consider it to be sincere, since it would be strange to waste your own time for no apparent reason asking questions you either feel you already know the answers to or aren’t intending to accept any, even if you don’t.

Similar with pretty much every other thing, one way is to spend a great deal of time engaged in doing it. It helps to have an interest, but that can (and often does) develop through spending a great deal of time doing something, particularly after becoming relatively proficient compared to others.

You’ve stated that you are in a premade discord and your server’s discord, and also using your server’s trade and general chat channels. Have you successfully formed or joined groups for dungeon parties or raids before? If that is something you are familiar with, there’s really not much difference.

If you’re curious about how you might organize a premade, here’s a guide:

Perhaps that will be of some help.


All that and you offered zero help.


Why do you talk like you’re AI?

What are you asking for? Would you like me to roll a character on your server, start a guild, level and recruit, and form premades specifically to invite you?

I’d be surprised if you actually joined if I did that. I’ve done similar in the past. It appears to me that for some people, complaining is their end game. Perhaps I’ll get better at listening, and recognizing that behavior.

Wow! An hour and a half. That’s a long time. You must be very tired of looking!

Unbelievable! Can you believe you couldn’t find a group? I can’t either! That’s such a long time looking, too!

Well that just sucks. Why wouldn’t anyone want a rogue in their group? I bet you just so happen to play a rogue, too! What a shame.

Aww… that must have sucked, too. I can imagine how you must have felt putting yourself out there like that, and not having people want to join you.

I don’t know why anyone would make it sound so easy. Especially when you spent so much time so unsuccessfully. That must be hard on you.

Well if you spend all that time just finding a group, then you’re going to maybe form a group and then have to log off. What can even be done?

I hear ya Crudlord. I hear ya!


How do you find premades? Where is your go to for finding a group? Which discord?

When 99% of groups want like 5 priests, 3 hunters, a warrior and a druid, it’s hard to find one.

Why do you talk like an AI? Are you OK?

The vast majority of the premades that I have found have been through /LookingForGroup. Sometimes these groups are horrible. Sometimes they are great. And sometimes they are anywhere in-between. Most of them don’t use communication, but some do, and I’ve met some people that I have played more and more regularly with through some of the ones that have used comms.

I don’t use Discord for finding premades, personally.

It can definitely seem like that. However, something to keep in mind is that groups often form relatively quickly, and are only spamming for roles that don’t fill as quickly. In the case of premades, you’re right that Priests and Hunters are often being stacked, and are usually the roles that people are looking to fill.

Most of the teams that I’ve ever been on have other classes as well, and most of the premades I’ve faced have other classes as well. I suppose a 1 druid, 6 hunter, 3 priest team would be OK, but it hasn’t been a comp I’ve seen often if at all.

Well, you may be reading my tone as if I were an AI, but we are not talking. This is a text-based conversation, if you could call it that. It’s really just a series of forum posts.

I am very comfortable and content. Thank you for asking.

I don’t want fancy things.

Or fancy shmancy things.

I don’t even want fancy, shmancy, wancy things, or fancy shmancy take a trip to France-y things.

What I want is wasting your time and mine

Have you tried being one of the 3 classes allowed in premades? /s

Priest, hunter, or FC druid

Got a priest im playing right now.

Currently level 8.

I fought far too many on my rogue that were literally unkillable so I figured hey, I can get an insta invite to any group AND not die? Sounds good to me.

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As sad as it is, you really have to play Priest, Hunter or Druid to have an easy time finding premades.

I am exalted on both my Priest and my Hunter. Got instant invites all day long. Now I’m playing a Warrior, and even with near-BIS gear and the epic 2H sword I can’t get invites to save my life. Every group wants 1 Warrior. That’s it.

I’ve resorted to making my own groups, but it’s not nearly as fun as getting instantly invited any hour of the day.

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