Where do we need to post to get clones back?

Out of curiosity, do you have anything to support this statement or are you just orating from your derrière?

As a casual observer it appears the “majority” of people think you had ample time to clone.


I dont really check out the forums a lot but even I can see that it seems pretty clear how massive the demand is there are hundreds of posts and thousands of views of people asking for this in the top few threads alone, I didnt really scroll down past that. But in all honesty I want these people to get their characters back for my own selfish reasons.

Im playing on Whitemane now after checking out most of the high pop servers and classic era currently sucks, the pvp is near non existant, with wsg being the only bg that pops, and the trade chat for cities being just spammed with GDKP runs and people talking about SOM and fresh, the servers feel like they are in stagnation.

We need these players back on classic-era the servers, blizzard please bring back character cloning.


Thats really sad, we are all waiting to join you guys, [LetUsInMeme].JPG

Hopefully blizzard re-enables the character clone service soon.

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The miniscule amount of data that characters use is almost inconsequential. Additionally no software company ever fails to backup its servers. These backups exist so that if your server or your database or any auxiliary components get some kind of a bug / virus its not the end of the world to recover from it. Most companies that have a database like this and server structures like this have offsite backups…

I remember when Blizzard “Claimed” they lost Classic WoW and that there was no way to get it back.

Then they found a copy on a dead HDD some place. It was a nice story on their part, but likely to be complete bullcrap because these kind of companies back stuff up from day 1 and the only thing holding them back on using old versions like for example from 2004 would be the server structure being entirely different now days.

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You guys better stop talking so much sense. The 3 people who are against bringing it back might show up to tell you to re-level lol.


Big facts…


you had over a year to use it they even lower it to $5 at the end

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What’s funny is all of you use the same excuse tho. Everyone, and I mean every one of you took a break from the game for 2+ years exactly.

You took a break and did not once even look at any wow news or information at all whatsoever? No streams, no discord?

And nobody at all said anything after the cloning was ended.

Unironically again, era pops off out of nowhere, and all of a sudden everyone just decided to come back to the game all within the same week. What a coincidence!


I think we just need to make it clear to blizzard that we arent going away, we want our characters and we would be happy to pay for the service, Reddit, Twitter and the Forums all act as great avenues for this so lets make our voices heard… or well fingers on keyboard? lol


You don’t have to go away, but everyone else is leveling, or have already leveled and are in full t3 2months in and they didn’t have to pay for a clone

Noone really cares about your opinion, the literal hundreds of players and to be honest payers; who would be happy to pay for their characters to be cloned and who have been posting asking blizzard for their characters back arent going away, and the demand wont stop, the player base had their characters deleted and they want them back. Blizzard please restore the character cloning service.


Thanks captain obvious

I personally was fighting for my life irl man. While my “excuse” my not seem valid to a gatekeeper like yourself it was and is real.

What really bothers me is devils advocates like you (at least I think you are) where you are simping so hard because you made the right call and now want the rest of the community to not have their toons back so you feel all warm and fuzzy for seeing the future.

Instead of empathizing with others ( their fault or not) you act like this gatekeeper potentially gaining in joy in others heartache about their time being wasted.

Three main points here exist like it or not.

  1. it is our fault we missed the window. In my case I wasn’t in the right mental space to play games when you’re fighting for your life.

Or in my guildies case deployed.

But punish us for irl? Gtfo w that troll stuff.

  1. blizzard disrespected our tine by not keeping it up in place. All that time spent on chacters wasted.

  2. nobody wanted to give blizzard more money at the time to play on era with literally 4 people.

Most I spoke to loved classic and tried out the other iterations before being overjoyed at its revival.

Just cause your naxx toon now has an edge doesn’t make you any more cool fam. Pixels don’t make the person, so people like you that gatekeep are very selfish imo.


My naxx toon has an edge? I don’t even play my fully geared toon. I play all the toons in battered rags

You really were out of the loop then because like two weeks after Classic launched people were screaming bloody murder for TBC on the grounds that vanilla wow totally sucked and TBC was the best. It was unanimous too, like 99 to 1 going by the forums.

And before anyone says “the forums are a minority of players” lets not forget that post TBC launch whole clusters of servers had like 10 people on them. Some stayed completely dead for months and months. I played with 10-20 people during prime time for like a year and getting a group together for UBRS was like a huge deal.

After everyone whined about the original $35 cloning price and got it reduced to $15, there were whole threads about why no one was gonna spend $15 to clone because Era was dead and the game sucked anyway so who wants to go back to that hell hole?

Then they reduced it to $5 and still no one bothered for the reasons already posted above. So even if you’re not one of the liars who claim they are poor, innocent victims of Blizz’s character clone tyranny you can thank your peers for your current predicament.

yall need to give it up. clones aint coming back.

Ill agree with that if they dont announce it tomorrow as part of their “Big Announcement for Era”.

Why do we have to pay for this in the first place? $15 a month isn’t enough? Also the only reason era is gaining traction is because they shut down som without releasing a fresh or som2. Company is trash

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Then why try to derail. Lol you make no sense.
It doesn’t effect me so instead of empathizing I’m going to burn this :poop: to the ground.

Makes sense there is a revival on the part of the game nobody likes. /rollseyes they liked tbc because of the balancing or closer balancing. And people were actually playing it.

The reason most didn’t play classsic was because it was a ghost town. Why? Blizzard canablized classic for tbc and then wrath.

Your opinion isn’t more valid just because you were playing by yourself when most moved in to tbc.

I swear you same 3 people try to gatekeep so hard cause you “payed your dues” or “we abandoned classic” cause we wanted to play an mmo vs a ghost town. Or in my case a medical condition that took me off of the game.

We should be punished now. Your right. Instead of “protecting the spirit of classic” the chose to free up hard drive space. I opened a ticket and asked them to just randomly delete the last years they have put in at blizzard in terms of paying dues, bidding for promotions, and accolades. They could go back to being an intern starting out. That way the can experience what we are experiencing losing the two years we dumped into the game.

They won’t cause not only is that not realistic, there would be no way to do that. And they wouldn’t because they don’t have to. And eye for an eye doesn’t apply to them.

At the end of the day, I don’t mind that much. Releveling a drood is actually fun, but it just sucks to have your time disrespected in such a way.

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Is it that difficult for you to believe that people can just disconnect from the game?


That’s good for them, I’ll ask for my character back no matter what everyone else is doing. I don’t understand why this is so difficult to comprehend.

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