I’m not even a real devout believer in the Satanist cause. I already spend too much time helping out in other places. I love their art though, it’s spicy. Using a “bad” symbol and turning it into something good is based.
Seven Satanist Tenets:
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
Oh hello again! these kids have unfortunately been attacking me in shift for near two days straight now. I know they cannot control themselves, and going by how angry they are getting it’s clear they are wondering why they are here themselves.
they would not like the answer if I told them, but they just won’t leave me alone.
that you believe a terrible lie, do unspeakable, monstrous things, and then try to invert Truth; these do not change Reality. “ye” will never “be like gods,” you were lied to.
I repeat:
Love Is To Will The Good Of The Other As Other.
Good is what is Rightly Ordered.
Will is the Capability to do Good.
To The Other As Other, means without regard to yourself.
The will can only be utilized when someone understands Good as Good. Therefore those like you who reject Good cause it reminds you of your evil have no will or capability to Love at all.
since you have committed even one evil act, therefore you have no will and therefore no capability to Love whatsoever. therefore you cannot understand Love in ANY capacity, and because of this you cannot understand God.
you are very clearly losing grasp on what little faculties you already had.
Not due to insanity, but due to fear, trying to make up for it by sneering. the other just above you is doing the same thing, chanting her lies as if it will shut The Truth eating away at her conscience like a mantra, but you are not like her.
At least you aren’t as solidly lost like “anseria” is though. they are clearly left out to lunch but you clearly have some value in you and are slowly being pulled out of the mud kicking and screaming.
Keep at it, you might find yourself whole again one day.
worship of evil begins with fear of evil. devilry is what happens when the insanity brought on by that fear meets boredom.
I particularly Love how Chesterton phrased this same idea:
“There comes a time in the routine of an ordered civilization when the man is tired at playing at mythology and pretending that a tree is a maiden or that the moon made love to a man. The effect of this staleness is the same everywhere; it is seen in all drug-taking and dram-drinking and every form of the tendency to increase the dose. Men seek stranger sins or more startling obscenities as stimulants to their jaded sense. They seek after mad oriental religions for the same reason. They try to stab their nerves to life, if it were with the knives of the priests of baal. They are walking in their sleep and try to wake themselves up with nightmares.”
p.s. I completely forgot lannis was here. I was going to make a comment about people of some important relation to him also doing the same and therefore that’s why he is how he is, but he’s already living it so no need to mention.
Free Will is the Responsibility to do Good. even one evil act totally not only destroys this but precludes it from ever coming back. this is why all who do evil are helpless servants to it and can’t get out no matter what. in other words, you cannot choose to do evil; the mere act of evil is death.
to do evil is the negation of choice.
evil (which I forgot to define) is actually not a thing, but an absence. evil is the absence of Good caused by a dead soul, and anyone could tell you that things rot and malfuntion as they rot after death.
this is why those with dead souls helplessly do worse and worse things and seek to destroy Good.
the worst zombie movie is real life, the real life zombies are MUCH worse than shambling corpses.
Iandore despises communist regimes, and my failure to make a distinction between Communism as a theory and “communism” as it existed under Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc. was the strange launch point for our bickering.
Bad people will find any vehicle that they can use in order to abuse their power, attempts at communism (being that they were radical and arose in response to revolution and the collapse/restructuring of social order) just made them prime targets.
I never made the link between blood elves and communism. Iandore did and everything seems to link back to it. His incessant quoting of scripture is also rich coming from someone raised Catholic. IMO, WoW (and 99.999% of other games >.>) is like the dinner table; politics and religion don’t belong anywhere near it.
For someone preaching about demons and religion you don’t seem to grasp the main idea of forgiveness, personally I have things I can’t forgive we all do, but considering how freely you throw the word “evil” around something tells me you’re over using the word.
Good Is What Is Rightly Ordered, as you were Created To Do And Be. I explained in detail in the post you didn’t read.
you’ve dissociated again, ironically making my point for me.
Contrition, Conversion, Confession, Penance, Repentance are Required for Forgiveness.
As I said, evil is the absence of Good. Chesterton once mocked that the single thing in the universe that could be empirically proven is sin.
Every word of that is not only a lie but irredeemably evil. That you may find them a convenient lie believed big enough to hide all manner of unspeakable acts behind; I promise you there is no lie big enough for that.
Nothing outside of Religion and politics matters.
there is no difference between communism as “theory” and communism in reality. those who think the ussr et al weren’t 100% based on what marx advocated for did not read marx. guy was bloodthirsty as you could imagine. if anything, they failed to be as cruel as marx wanted.
Well I think he was mentioning the fact that the first expansion was supposed to have horde ogres, alliance high elves, but that was changed in development after smelling china’s money and so changed all their plans to fit china’s beta feedback.
I have to be honest I decided to re live my middle school era by listening to Lady Gaga top hits from like the 2010s where like all her video aesthetics were very free mason satanist themed and its made this thread that much funnier for me
The Alliance was never entitled to High Elves.
Like I’ve said and pointed out already
So you’re claiming that despite there being less than 5months involved as far as timeline goes, they rushed BEs to appease China? Despite the fact they seemed very well along in artwork and story as a concept for the Horde when they get introduced 5months after the client launched in China.
Pretty famous quotes from the developers back then.
I repeat, Good Is What Is Rightly Ordered, as you were Created To Do And Be.
evil is an absence of Good caused by a dead soul.
like with all of your kind, you call slavery and “freedom” and freedom as “slavery.”
Freedom is just another word for Responsibility, which you abhor in all ways. Instead you prefer a VERY restrictive system that tells you what little totally unnatural things you are allowed to do, and that you can kill your soul any which way from there.
God gave you Life, and told you not to die. Finding yourself unable to stop listening to the whispers you spent your whole life jumping into every hazard you could.
I don’t mind your sheer pride, your entire rhetoric is based on that so it’s consistent at least.
What I am furious at is you inverting things to claim your pride is “humility” and that your desire for strict restrictions as “freedom.”
blood elves may have been horde focused from the start and may have come at a later date, but the first expansion was supposed to have high elves for alliance. that was changed last minute.
Oh, people whom you think are beneath you are “entitled” at your say-so mr pretend diety?
These kind of things were shared on the forums for YEARS before they were apparently memory-holed.
you are even once more repeating your tactics despite being chased off no less than three times now over it:
your coven is over, the devil isn’t even around anymore and all his powers and principalities (as meaningless as they ever were) are collapsing without their head.
So what is the point of this nostalgia?
By your own admission you were born either VERY late 90’s or early 00’s. you weren’t even alive when your pretend-master was even still on this earth!