engels was just a sidekick, nor did he write any of what I am talking about.
the society he was a patsy of wrote the stuff, his mentor feuerbach brainwashed him and his mental illness made him the perfect fall guy.
his poetry also is written completely different to his famous books, which is why I mentioned it. they were clearly not written by the same person. marx’ poetry is like the stuff you would see from some one belonging in an asylum, whereas his other books are more put together (though the ideas are insane at best).
Imagine being this wrong, consistently. No wonder some people bury themselves deep in delusion. It’s the only way they can be right.
Communism requires no monetary policy. No money. Period.
All needs are met by all people, goods and services are exchanged for the good of all. It’s the tenant of the entire ideology.
Communism also abolishes private ownership of property and the government owns all the means of production.
None of that sounds like modern day China, because modern day China is not communist.
What modern day China is, is an authoritarian nationalistic one party state where the economy is driven by government design. Where private ownership is “allowed” and the illusion of capitalism exists, so long as the private corporations tow the party line and follow the party direction. If they fail to do that, then they are replaced by party loyalists (ask Jack ma how that all works out).
China doesn’t need to be militarily expansionist… they are doing it subversivly by giving large infrastructure grants to nations who have no chance to pay it back… then strong arming them into selling natural resources or giving up port control to Chinese nationalist company control.
Oh I know what I’m talking about, you do not. From what I see you are even incabpable of it.
As Reagan said about you “they know so much that isn’t so.”
A phrase I heard this morning applies here: “this is only something stupid people and reddit posters would fall for.”
Oh communism is heavily invested in money… for those “who are more equal.” YOU don’t get any, because what’s the point of “pretending to be like gods” if you are able to live without them?
you have then just described every communist society, and marx’ own “theory.”
there is no private ownership in china, the government owns everything there the same as when they were called the soviet union.
china is also military expansionist, it’s just their soliders aren’t nearly as competent as your media tells you.
That’s because he didn’t matter. marx didn’t matter either, he was just the fall guy. don’t need two fall guys.
He cried like a three year old because timmys cookie was bigger. His entire thesis is weaponized jealousy.
That’s why he could never finish his third book, where he explained how everything was going to work… because what’s the final step after 1. Be jealous 2. Kill everyone doing better than you 3. ???
If you knew 3, you would be doing better already and wouldn’t need 1 or 2.
He’s a complete clown, his ideology is utter nonsense. It’s fantasy. It’s got about as much to do with reality as most medieval religious books.
A Medieval text would teach you more than you could imagine, but when Substance is outside of your novelty-based paradigm therefore you cannot recognize it.
you are correct about weaponized jealousy, you just can’t admit that’s all it ever was in any respect.
you have this “ideal” that never existed outside your head that you hold on as “the real thing.”
this double think is silly, even you can see that, no?
That’s a terrible thing to call yourself, worse to try to project onto me. Also this isn’t a discussion because you have nothing to offer.
Like I pointed out, when you base yourself on novelty, all Substance escapes you.
i dont think its jealousy wanting baisc needs met like healthcare, education, housing, food
kind of like capitalism right now? complete clown show with corporate media turning poor people against each other over pointless culture wars so they dont pay attention to economic inequality
we have shortages we were told only happen with communism too
im not even for complete communism. just the basic needs met. no ones asking the govt to make wow
What you are seeing is cloward-piven. those shortages are your free trial of the communism/socialism/marxism; consdering how bad the food shortages will probably be, it might be your last.
None of those are met with marxism in any respect, and that is by design as it’s an efficient way to covertly liquidate the people who were stupid enough to believe your lies and so will believe those of the next competitor.
Like I wanted to point out to hide, communism is just capitalism but applied to government instead of business.
you exemplify the capital sins of envy and greed.
the first one is believing the Authority of others more rightfully belong to you, the second is the same but for possessions and propery.
What you call “culture wars” is all that matters, you are just brought along with the ride by the lie you’ll get to steal our money and “be like gods” over it.
See, thank you for making my point for me. you are so out of your element against a real opponent that you can’t even hear what I’m saying.
Ironically, that’s also a textbook sign of something, as if my words are being jumbled right before you.
"No one can understand communism who does not believe in the devil. The communists believe in the devil. The communists organized a so-called “patriotic” church. A few brain washed were to be in charge of the churches because they were loyal to the anti-God regime.
One of the first orders given by the communists to them was that the prayer to Saint Michael be no longer said because it invoked the protection of St. Michael against “the wicked and snares of the devil.” As one communist judge said: “We are those devils.”
It is hard for many in the free world to believe that there are not only bad men, but evil men. Bad men steal, rape, ravage and plunder. Evil men may not always do these things, but they seek to destroy goodness, virtue, morality, decency, truth and honor. Bad men who steal admit honesty; evil men who do not steal, call dishonesty as “honesty,” totalitarianism as “democracy,” slavery as “freedom.” Evil men can be nice at table, polite with women, courteous in Washington, refined in London and calm in Geneva. But the principle which guides their every move is the maxim of lenin: every lie, trickery, knavery and deceit must be used to further world revolution."
Love Is To Will The Good Of The Other As Other. since you have committed even one evil act, therefore you have no will and therefore no capability to Love whatsoever. therefore you cannot understand Love in ANY capacity, and because of this you cannot understand God.
I know you are just trolling, but you still get no sympathy from me.
I would. you took it seriously but laughing nervously about it won’t save you.
Venerable Fulton Sheen:
“Very few people believe in the devil these days, which suits the devil very well. He is always helping to circulate the news of his own death. The essence of God is existence, and He defines Himself as: ‘I am Who am.’ The essence of the devil is the lie, and he defines himself as: ‘I am who am not.’ satan has very little trouble with those who do not believe in him; they are already on his side.”
The Thing about socialism though, not even discussing communism its a clownshoe ideal for people who fundamentally cannot comprehend human nature…
But the thing about socialism is you (being the figurative you, not you personally) are saying that capitalism is evil… because rich men and corporations control the government… and the solution to that, socialism’s solution to that… is to create a single corporation (the government), give it ALL the power, ALL the money, ALL the customers and eliminate ALL the competition…
And somehow that will magically make the evil power hungry men (men being a stand in for any peron(s)) dissapear, will make the single corporation, now with the power to write and enforce its own laws, no competition, and a guaranteed market… good, and altruistic, and everybody will skip happily into the future holding hands.
To expand on my beliefs;
I think all things in moderation. I think extremes of anything are dangerous. I think laissez Faire capitalism is just as nonsensical as communism. I think for profit hospitals and prisons are an atrocity, there is no motivation to benefit… only to lengthen misery…
But I am also an absolute avowed anti-socialist/communist… there is a notable section of my family tree that no longer exists thanks to “socialist help”.
Absolute power is dangerous absolutely. Capitalism is an economic system, not a political one… it can be put to work with many different governance systems… but it’s important to kneecap government power. It’s also important to not lie to yourself… 80% of millionaires and 60% of billionaires are first generation wealth in the use. The top 10% pays 60% of all income tax.
There’s a lot of disinformation out there for sure.
Honestly, I use head canon for a lot of lore. There’s not supposed to be many living blood elves and makes more sense for there to be more death knight blood elves than any other classes.
I am no longer an instrument of another. No longer chained to the lich king. I am a free spirit.