Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

you provided supposition and revisionism after the fact. if it didn’t support your case it would be as memory-holed as everything else.

Reality does not exist by links, that alinsky tactic that only “confirmed ideas” that can be quoted physically are valid was (not shockingly) invented for the ussr, where all that was not directly said by the regime was burned, and having anything that wasn’t was a capital crime.

your coven was ended in 1980, it’s not around anymore.

And … you’re accusing others of RP?


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zand was following me around on multiple threads posting in support of communism no matter the topic (because of course), and then he jumps right into rp.

he used the same posting style and grammar that you to. or it’s his alt that’s currently attacking me with his discord mod in another thread.

your coven ended in 1980, therefore your tricks are meaningless. I am talking about you in real life, just like I was referring directly to the real life person in all of those quotes.

I need a bigger ignore list!

The only person who has managed to bring that topic up here in this thread, was you.

So if I had to guess you probably have a habit of doing so in other threads as well.

You’ve repeated this twice and it’s just as odd the second time so…

What are you on about?

Pretty sure one can’t join a coven nearly 20 years prior to being born but okay


IIRC, it was in response to Iandore saying that the Blood Elves’ racist totalitarian ideology = communism (which in the case of irl “communist” regimes, this tends to be true). There were probably better correlations I could’ve made in retrospect, but eh. I still think the link between blood elves and communism, racist supremacy, and general scum behavior coming from a communist hating belf is rich.

Technically no, but a true communist government relies on the defiance of human nature. Socialist policy can and has been applied, the results are up for debate, but an actual communist society as Marx envisioned has never come to fruition.

I don’t know how I got roped into discussing communist theory, I’m sick of it on and off the forums xD

Because it is topical! I have made my case on that. your support made you panic though. even byob is back typing just as I am reading your post, ready to support what he doesn’t know is his own end once more.

I have repeated that your coven ended in 1980 twice because that’s a factual statement.

If you wanted to show understanding of the topic you would note the context, of which I already explained:

the standards and tactics you are using is from a long-gone, very thoroughly-failed group. therefore I don’t understand what you emote that you will achieve from this.

Whoop, this slipped out again.

No reason.

It’s the most popular way. It’s how people always have incorrect information about illidan or the mag’har scenario.

Everyone is guilty of it (including me). It’s easy to pick and choose what matches with your biases, and heaven knows that’s not limited to lore on pretendy funtime elves on the internet.

It was a gentle ribbing aimed at all available “sides”.

Including yours truly, Johnny Dolla-- Sigrun Sledgehammer.

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Thank you.

Why are you bringing your politics into this? No one cares about your iniquity signaling. It’s a video game. We don’t care that you think you are the enlightened right or who you voted for. We play this game to get away from politics and enjoy some zombie apocalypse survivor elves. Gosh.

It’s not like I’m a Blood Elf RPer on a RP server who, you know, is very into Blood Elves and Blood Elf lore because, Blood Elves.

Clearly I must be stalking you. There’s no other logical explanation.

As for posting in support of communism. I was just observing your /r/iamverysmart level rants on communism and your iniquity signaling and broadcasting your politics then compared it to your whining about the free market for legendary gear. Such a brilliant right wing capitalism fan like yourself should have no problem with making money in game or out so I don’t get your complaints.

Unless it’s a case of capitalism for us but not for you.

It’s called college level English. You should try it sometime. At an accredited school.

As for that Discord mod? You mean the one I have blocked whom I deeply dislike in ways that cannot be expressed on the forums because code of conduct? Lol. You’re getting really Dr. Oz up in here.

:duck: :duck: :duck:

What in tarnation are you talking about? Posts like this get ratioed by the dictionary.


The ONLY “politics” is that of your religion. I am making factual statements about what happened and why, your friend/alt came in to support the worst mass murder regime in history and you and a few others came to back him up when I was horrified over him.

Nowhere in your utterly nonsensical tactic of fisking do you care at all what I say (nor are you even capable of fathoming it), you are simply doing whatever knavery you think will push your utter poison forward and everything from that point is just “a means to an end.”

Now unless your “equality” is that of the grave, your views are the only ones here that are oppressive and unequal. your very intent here is to dogpile, emoting you are invincible based on little more than ignorance, smugness, and spite against all Humanity; past that you have nothing.

As for your stalking me in another thread, you had no reply to my refutation of you:

Speaking of inequality, I said this in another thread and it applies to the topic here very much as well:

The Pharisees have nothing on you.

Dory makes alot of baseless accusations here, calling people evil and communists.


pharisees were devil worshiping babylonians and legalists who used every obscure attack they could to silence The Faithful and used every obscure excuse they could to court rich pagans to invite them to parties.

this type of mortally sinful projection you are using to try to condemn me is common once pride is refuted.

“none are so blind as those who refuse to see.”

Do you think I’m Zand’s alt or is that another commie

I’m starting to lose track, commies everywhere. Where’s McCarthy when you need him?

You might want to go back and read ALL of the high elf lore… not all High Elves accepted Kael’thas’ actions, and when he sent Fel crystals to “help repower their civilization” many more rejected him and the Blood Elf name. This group cut ties with the Blood Elves and reclaimed the name High Elf. When alliance players speak of wanting High Elves playable on the alliance it is THAT split faction of High Elves that they are talking about. Those High Elves actually did rejoin the alliance, some of them never even left the alliance in the first place. If you play through the alliance side of the story you even see them taking large rolls in nearly every expansion…

You might also want to go back and replay that part of the Blood Elf starting zone quest line… pay close attention to not only the quest dialogue, but also the circumstances and things happening in the background with the NPCs involved and the locations. The dwarves weren’t up to anything nefarious and the Night Elves have always been suspicious of the High Elves, infact the night elves were told to leave or else their paranoia will jeopardize peaceful negotiations. Which it very much infact did… however it wasn’t just Night Elf paranoia, but Blood Elf paranoia as well.

I get my blood elf lore from the local hardware store and when hes out I go to the local gun shop.


Is 4chan a thing still?

where are YOU getting your blood elf lore from?

blood elf, or “sin’dorei” is only a reference to the elves slaughtered by arthas, high elf or “quel’dorei” is a reference to their noble heritage.

no one was called a blood elf before the scourge razed quel’thalas.

the rest of your post seems to hinge on this fact so it’s all a little… off…