It’s pretty well known that it’s run by federal agents. Someone did a test on most of the provocateurs there and all the ips of people linking to everything from shooter manifestos (even ones sent before actual shootings by the supposed gunman themselves), to child (I can’t use the word on the forum, but reddit and much of the tech industry is a big fan of the child variety of this), to gore pictures, and stolen crime scene photos were from fbi field offices.
None of them were on secure connections either, apparently the government is also THAT incompetent. Connections went to specific real life addresses, and while the connections were not named “fbi LOL,” the computer’s registered locations were fbi field offices.
Snowden admitted that being able to see a database of the nude pictures of every text sent nearly worldwide was a “perk” of working at the nsa.
Almost all child (you know what) sites are hosted on fbi servers. If the fbi stopped hosting them, the internet would have less than 10% of them left.
The more you know.
So to answer: yeah it’s still there, your tax dollars pay for its’ costs.
Already said this a week ago. Over a week ago now.
I once more Thank God that they are free from this. you just can’t help yourself projecting, can you?
St Anthony Preaching to the shark (usually depicted as a shark but could be another large fish) is a VERY Famous Miracle of his. St Anthony went to a hotbed of heresy to correct the wrongs of the area, but no one listened except for one: a shark. St Anthony Preached on the beach and fish of all sorts flopped onto land just to hear and nod along.
The point being is that a shark (or any fish) is a beast: they have no souls and no intellect. Yet still that Shark of all sharks listened and learned. the people of that city had no such impediments that beasts do: they have a Rational Soul, they have Intellect, therefore there is no excuse. God gave Grace to the fishes there to (at least for a moment) become greater than the humans that lived in that city.
That insult against all Humanity by God was so great that the people of the city were moved to tears and deep shame casting off their heretical movements at once. Humanity is only remarkable because of The Grace Of God And That We Bear His Image. Should God Desire, we could be reduced less than beasts and mere beasts be made greater than Man.
The point is that even fish don’t have this problem, you have no excuse.
It’s almost like the entire rest of that post you cut one sentence out of not only gives context to but proves that statement!
In fact, it’s very possible when you get older you might realize that reading the entirety of a post or essay will give you the full picture. taking half-sentences out of context to snipe at might make some part of you feel larger, but outing yourself as so small has never made anyone think the bully is a big person.
Knowing people many decades older than you that also have your same reliance on tricks and dirty tactics, maybe not.
He’s serious enough to sneakily suggest that the white racist who railed against Jewish people, targeted Black people to murder them, is an fbi false flag.
What a shocker he believes such filth.
And I really hope that nobody has to deal with you in person. You’re insane enough to accuse of me of spousal abuse and demonic possession because you don’t like my opinions on a video game forum - I can only imagine the harm you would deal to anyone around you. I assume that most people just uncomfortably avoid you - this is definitely for the best.
Pretty easy way to tell if something is communist or not.
Do they use money?
One of the key components of communism is a lack of monetary policy. If there is a currency, or society is built around a currency, it 100% fails the “is this communism” test.
It’s an absolute cornerstone of the ideology, and one of its fundamental failures that ensures it will never exist outside of its extemely niche situation in which it is the best system to use. (Being small hunter-gatherer societies where resources are scarce and survival is dependant upon a group with varied skills).