Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

And were they friendly or enemies to other orcs?

See where your “idea” falls flat?

You’re making a huge assumption that the official Kingdom of Quel’thalas the same Quel’thalas that pulled out of and had no love for the Alliance would side against their kin.

Did AU Draenei story serve as friendly story for Alliance / the MU Draenei faction or were they enemies to the MU Draenei?

The official Kingdom of Quel’thalas and its High Elf population don’t have a love for the Alliance that would somehow make them not side w their kin.

You’re falsely assuming that would serve as Alliance story, when if they did AU Azeroth Quel’thalas would serve BE / Horde story in that expansion.

MU Quel’thalas has a Sunwell and Paladins. AU Quel’thalas would have a Sunwell as well, why would AU Quel’thalas reject them and side w the Alliance (that they again had no love for as they pulled out of it)?

But somehow the AU version of the people they’re in a loose alliance w have void corrupted versions of themselves would be the side they chose?

General friendly reminder that the Void Elves are the ones who studied Dar’khan’s notes, and have a connection to him now in the lore.

It pops up in discussions where people are obsessed with undead elves, and how they’re the only “real” vampires, when literally every single race can be one because Blood DKs exist, and other forms of vampirism exist.

Confusion in the lore is really easy to explain.

Between the retcons and “recontextualizing” of events you also have a people in high positions designing content with stories they don’t follow, don’t understand and don’t know where its leading.

Then you have the player base itself that mostly only half cares about the biggest story beats if anything at all involving lore. Then you have the miniscule number of people who care about lore but don’t want to have to read it from out of game, purchasable books that get retconned constantly. So the number of players who have an accurate idea of what is going on and what has been retconned and what things Ion said that are safe to ignore is miniscule at best.

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there is no biological difference. never was. its the exact same race

this is true. that any high elf, horde or dalaran, would seek out the void elves and the magic that possibly influenced darkhan, the guy who nearly wiped out their people, isnt very believable to me. let alone tolerating their presence

Whoa, since when does anyone care what Blood Elves think?

Apparently from unsourced wowwiki articles.

you best not be dissing my alleria…

"At the same time, we’ve added totally new newbie areas for the Blood Elves and Draenei so veterans can have a new low-level experience. But it’s not like we’re pocketing the Blood Elves and Draenei in their own areas and they’re locked out of the rest of the game. After level 20 or so we very quickly start breadcrumbing them all over the world and integrating them with the rest of the quests. One of the big fears we had was that if we added these cool new areas, the rest of your old world is empty all of a sudden.’

"That’s something we talked about four and five years ago_."

(So possibly around 2001 the Devs were discussing Blood Elves/ High Elf trope, their inclusion was not necessarily a reaction to Horde population, demands from certain markets nor a business decision.)

  • Interview: Jeff Kaplan on World of Warcraft Expansion. MAY 9, 2006


Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 … 'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

“I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree,” Metzen said.

Players surprised that the Blood Elves would have any interest in joining the Horde don’t know everything that’s going to lead the groups to joining up.

“Magic is absolutely corrupting. You shouldn’t play with it.” In the wake of the destruction of the Sunwell, the high elves of Quel’Thalas turned to demonic sources of magical energy to feed their magical addiction (which was thanks to thousands of years of constant exposure to magic, even for the high elves who didn’t practice magic themselves). But messing with “fel energy” is scary stuff, and it frightened the other races in the Alliance. “Dwarves and humans don’t want to hang around them. They’re not returning their phone calls.”

But the Blood Elves “could care less, they’re going to do whatever they have to do.” And thrilled by this new, seemingly endless supply of powerful magical energy, the Blood Elves have a unique take on the shattered planet of Draenor, now known as Outland. “They view Outland as an Eden. … Their homeland is great, but Outland is where their destiny is.”

The Blood Elves will leverage their relationship with Sylvanas, leader of the Forsaken and the former Ranger-General of Quel’Thalas. And more importantly, the Blood Elves will not come to the Horde, hat in hand.

“The Blood Elves are going to bring something to the table the Horde can’t do without.”’


I also read somewhere that the ‘Blood’ did not only represent the blood spilled by Arthas and the Scourge, but also the blood of the Quel’dorei flowing in their veins. (Maybe it was one of the in-game books? I can’t remember.)


Nah. I wasn’t

I get my lore from 4chan

usually from a khajiit’s weres for a few coins. :smiley_cat:

Which reminds me of how belves used to kinda be bad-asses. Until they begged forgiveness from the space crystal for TAKING what they wanted instead of surrendering to it.

Wowhead and wowwiki. Lol, that’s all I super care about delving into when it comes to lore.

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I do have it, or else you wouldn’t be gang stalking me over weeks because of how it reminds you of your lack.

Refers to royalty in a racial supremacist way.

This is getting as absurd as the guy last week who was saying “2+2=5 unless we get communism” then said “you don’t think I’m a communist, do you?” about 10 minutes later.

Am I the guy last week

This is not at all what I said.

Oh no, you’re back.

I filter all my lore through my preconceived notions at least three times, then select only the finest nuggets of what I already decided was true anyway.


My “I’m being misquoted” alarm went off <3

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Written by devs who had already determined they were giving belves to the horde, and had to shoehorn in some “reasons”.

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Pretty sure you were the one who started randomly ranting about communism in some weird round about way to also hate on Blood Elves