It was just speculation on my part since red skin = fel consumption can be seen throughout the game.
And yes I’m in the belfs = high elves with only a political separation camp.
It was just speculation on my part since red skin = fel consumption can be seen throughout the game.
And yes I’m in the belfs = high elves with only a political separation camp.
I get mine from their skulls. Their brains are great served chilled and with a hint of voodoo and lime.
Blizzard is on record saying blood elves have no physical change because of the fel radiation they were exposed to.
Only their eyes shifted and over time since the Sunwell was cleansed and restored the green tint will fade.
That said the Felblood elves are a whole other matter.
You are nothing short of a forum treasure I love posts like these
In defense of the people thinking the “Blood” in “Blood Elf” = actual blood as in they’re vampiric, I used to think the same. The TBC cinematic definitely supported that.
Although I was also 10.
The TBC cinematic definitely supported that.
I don’t remember this, but I honestly could be wrong. I’ll have to go back and watch it when I get a few minutes here. I always like going back and watching old trailers/cinematics
Just the part where the blood elf absorbs the mana wyrm (mana tap). No actual Nosferatu behavior.
sylvanas still saw them as her people, the whole her joining the jailer wasnt actually until legion with the death of voljin and varrian( her knowing with varrian dead no one would stop people like genn and she knows anduin was far to passive and not as in controll) and even than it was the discovery of azerite that got her 100% on board with the jailer. she did meet the jailer when she killed herself at icecrown the joining him didnt happen for quite some time at least over a decade lorewise. but going back to topic yes she saw them as her people and with the night elves in the blood elf areas attacking killing and ruining the blood elves rebuilding infact an ironforge emissary was helping the night elves do so in the end the forsaken under sylvanas got them to the horde. the hatred for night elves in the blood elf culture only re-ignited because of that.
the same expansion blood elves were brought in was the very same they got the sunwell back and abandoned fel magic and the likes alot of people seem to forget that. a common talking point from them is from the mindset of them not having the sunwell
I’ll tell you what i tell your other HEFA friends. Your head canon =/= lore.
Blood Elves are High Elves.
Just to derail this discussion further:
How cool would it be if some crazy person brought an army of actual high elves from an alternate past into the current universe? As in, they went back in time, got some Alliance of Lordaeron high elves from before the Horde invaded, and brought them to this time and universe.
maniacal laughter Ah the joys of watching people’s heads explode as Blizzard finally adds “real” high elves to the Alliance.
Okay…that is all. You can go back to debating what is and isn’t lore about elfs now.
maniacal laughter Ah the joys of watching people’s heads explode as Blizzard finally adds “real” high elves to the Alliance.
I think its funny you think they wouldn’t side with their kin and people in the current timeline considering they never cared much for the Alliance and pulled out of it in WC2.
So you’d be adding to the Horde population of playable High Elves.
Just to derail this discussion further:
How cool would it be if some crazy person brought an army of actual high elves from an alternate past into the current universe? As in, they went back in time, got some Alliance of Lordaeron high elves from before the Horde invaded, and brought them to this time and universe.
maniacal laughter Ah the joys of watching people’s heads explode as Blizzard finally adds “real” high elves to the Alliance.
Okay…that is all. You can go back to debating what is and isn’t lore about elfs now.
So sad that the HEFA crowd is so desperate since people won’t let their head canon trump lore that they have to dream up something as desperate (and bad) as this.
Eh…? shrugs
Por que no los dos?
I don’t mind Horde getting “real” high elves, too. I’m sure there’d be some who did want to go hang with their kin after hearing all the war stories. I also think they’d want to “remake them into TRUE high elves” once more–which I could see being amusing. >.>
Arthas killed like a good 90% of the High Elves so a large portion of those survivors named themselves “blood elves” to sound edgy, I mean… to commemorate their fallen.
Did you know, coincidentally, that Silvermoon is the only capital city to have not only 1 but 3 separate Hot Topic stores open at once? The last one was added after Demon Hunters were introduced with legion.
While ignoring the fact the actual Kingdom of Quel’thalas has long had little love or like for the Alliance.
So if AU Azeroth was a thing Quelthalas story would be Horde / Blood Elf story in that expansion lol. Because they’d side w their kin and Kingdom.
I don’t mind Horde getting “real” high elves, too.
Blood Elves are High Elves
And if Lanesh is any suggestion given the devs have already stated he does have a story, the Outland group has probably long been trickling back in to live under the Blood Elf banner / Horde.
Ehh, blame the Wrath deal with the San’layn that were introduced, and everyone wanted to be a sparkly vampire BE. The Darkfallen are further brought into lore with Dar’khan’s involvement with the fall of the Sunwell from the manga.
They haven’t really expanded on if the Venthyr were meant to be part of that or not.
Did you know, coincidentally, that Silvermoon is the only capital city to have not only 1 but 3 separate Hot Topic stores open at once? The last one was added after Demon Hunters were introduced with legion.
Tauren should really be nervous visiting there, so much demand for leather
I don’t really want to argue about a silly, made-up thing I invented so that some people who play this game could actually play the things they wanted instead of having to settle for something else.
So, if in your head, all Thalassian elves are High elves, and even the Alliance ones are High elves and everyone should be happy because they have a brand of high elves–go for it.
It’s just not what most Alliance high elf players wanted. So I was just throwing it out there that it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility for Blizzard to create such a thing in the game if they want to.
It’s clearly been done with orcs; so, … waves a hand (that other groups or types of a species could be brought to this universe–albeit from the future and not the past, but the timey-wimey bit still stands).
Anyway…have fun making points and stances that support your beliefs. I’m not here for that. I did enjoy the lore discussion about blood elves, though.
got some Alliance of Lordaeron high elves from before the Horde invaded, and brought them to this time and universe
Lordaeron is a Horde faction in modern wow.