For the same reason any of those vehicle mechanics work when we use them and not any other time.
It’s a fun quest. Let it go.
For the same reason any of those vehicle mechanics work when we use them and not any other time.
It’s a fun quest. Let it go.
Yeah, but after standing up to the Legion for thousands of years, they decided to lay down their arms and side with the Alliance.
That means they can’t do anything significant anymore, and they have to pretend like their starship doesn’t exist.
No amount of advanced military technology is enough to stop Blizzard from pandering to the faction with all of the Raiders and all of the Devs
People keep saying the Lightforge army is strong because they fought the Legion for thousands of years.
Here’s a new theory: The Burning Legion are a bunch of weak push overs and fail at everything. Proof? Look at the Lore, they constantly lose again and again. What’s that? They took over thousands of planets?
Oh and you believed them? Lmao, more like The Blowing Legion.
To be fair, our high priestess of Elune went super-elf and still didn’t really pose a serious threat to a lieutenant of the banshee queen, and our track record in battle has been a series of phyrric victories at best. There’s a reason I left the Ashenvale ages ago.
What you mean have the entirety of BFA about Horde and Alliance going after things like the Spaceships and the giant cannon in Azshara, like there was a war going on or something? Naw… heres an old god.
They also had quests in Wrath that made to paint voodoo/tiki masks as a large threat if in any numbers (timeframe of their making for this particular case, and whether them being a threat to the opposing forces even so aside. One supposes if a bit unrealistic it could be argued methods have improved greatly since Wrath)
We are totally going to fire that freaking giant canon! Someday… maybe. Yo, who’s in charge of that thing anymore anyway?
You underestimate the power of voodoo
Imagine if the lich king got control of the practices of voodoo.
Everyone would be popsicle knights right now
I saw a wolf kill a Warframe, once… a common wolf.
Thankfully that was just gameplay and not lore, but it was still a bit absurd.
Voodoo ritual performed by 3 powerful trolls using a powerful champion as a conduit is no more farfetched than a single ex-Blood Elf turned Void making a Voidasaurus-Rex to kill dozens of armored/trained war beasts and trolls.
Voodoo is just what trolls refer to Shadow and Death magic as.
Again it is a ritual performed by 3 powerful trolls that turns the player into a conduit for a lot of voodoo power, not some random nobody who went emo and decided they are like, totally into the void now or whatever.
I’ll just add this to the list of “Wait, What” I’m compiling.
Just under:
“A divinely empowered immortal priestess of one of the most powerful entities in the setting and her world-altering husband get fended off by an archer with a bad attitude and some grump angels.”
From a gameplay perspective, it’s just a vehicle quest. So no matter whose side its on it’s going to involve one person just absolutely crushing the other side. No matter what equipment they have. Remember using the very same mechs on the Legion?
If you wanna get in universe then you should remember that we’re in a fantasy universe where magic is potent and destructive, just as much if not moreso than technology. So why wouldn’t a magic ritual be capable of breaking, dismantling, piercing, and blowing up METAL?
You’re just pissy that it’s a Horde quest so the Horde players will win.
If it was a Alliance quest you wouldn’t be making the same argument.
I think IKEA sells them.
Priests and Pallys can’t dispel curses?
Pretty sure that’s the correct answer…
The Army of the Light SURVIVED against the Legion, not stood up to them.
They were at best guerrilla fighters who were up against grunts and nothing severe until we came along.
Not really, if what they say is right, why didn’t the Void Elves just make a massive monster to destroy all of the Horde, and the Kul Tiran city?
I’m sorry, but heading on out in another janky “vehicle” as our floaty selves with janky abilities to mess up an army of the most advanced fighting force on Azeroth is just dumb when the Horde invasion of Tiragarde Sound has you piling into a giant metal, spiky death ball, steam rolling over a desperate defense and smashing right into the gates of Boralus.
One is a Hordie’s wet dream, the other is bad fanfic.
You decide which is which.
You guys have not only goblins but now former members of the iron horde among your ranks. Where the f$#& are all your tanks and other assorted, dangerously cobbled together heavy machinery?
This is all Horde has to stop them from being steamrolled by the Alliance.
It’s like the game Mortal Kombat where the Horde is almost down and out and the narrator shouts “FINISH HIM!” and the Alliance says, “Nah let me think about it…”.
Give a couple secs and they fall down anyway.