horde bias
the losing faction every time, and losing major heroes left and right
The struggle of losing one guy every 3 expacs vs losing almost every patch
horde bias
the losing faction every time, and losing major heroes left and right
The struggle of losing one guy every 3 expacs vs losing almost every patch
Let blood elves do their thing, take power from zug zug blood and thunderp and teach them about civilization.
It autodeletes if you copy the entire previous post, I dont pretend to understand it.
If only the Horde had a race in it that uses technology on a daily basis…we could construct some giant cannon and aim it at SW.
Apparently every member of the light forged, and alliance in general forgot we have a giant, landscape destroying space ship.
Still waiting to see where/when it gets shot before bfa ends.
I think they’re going to aim it at that dance studio we’re still waiting on.
Upgradeable tomes and quivers must be stored in the dance studio.
Simple fix to this. During the War of Thorns Blizz should’ve had a Horde scenario where you team up with the Gob Squad to sabotage the Vindicaar.
Shoot, that would make sense.
Can’t have that.
Or have some horde illidari kamikaze their ship into it.
Blizz forgot about it, or maybe it blew up when they tried to actually use it. Only reason Sylvanas would ignore Azshara(zone) completely
That or it was written off in some outside media, we all know how much Blizz loves to do s*** like that.
Everyone knows Draenei born after year -30000 can’t drive. All they know is run from Legion, eat pink crystals, wag they tail, and crash
The only answer to this is: Horde.
They always pull stuff like that out of their Doraemon pocket.
To be fair, I’m pretty sure Bwon gave him just the bare minimum to fulfill the deal. He wanted Rastakhan dead after all, he told Rezan that pretty plainly. And he already got what he needed from Rasta, namely being bound to his bloodline for eternity.
Some of them are big enough to lose a spaceship in.
I think you are seriously overestimating the actual fire power that space ship is capable of.
The Army of Light didn’t stand up to the Legion for thousands of years… the Army of Light got their butt whooped and resorted to guerilla warfare to stay alive for thousands of years.
Then a small token force from Azeroth came and destroyed the Legion in a month. Kinda tells you how bad the Army of Light is.
Crashing the vindicaar onto undercity would have been a much more sensible way to deal with both. Instead vindicaar is hanging out somewhere with WoD’s Shattrath, the dragon isles and the rest of the emerald dream we never saw while the undercity got gassed by mustache twirling sylvannas ‘doctor claw’ windrunner.
Still disapointed she didnt cry out as she flittered off into the sky ‘I’ll get you one day Anduin, and your little worgen too!’.
The “mask of doom” quests aren’t really any weirder than that “void elves make a void raptor for you to ride” quest.
I think somebody decided that it wasn’t interesting enough from a design standpoint to make all the assault ending quests “fly up to the ship and smash stuff”. But they didn’t have any real ideas that would make sense. So they did a bunch of stuff that made no sense, but at least it was fun to design.