Where did the Trolls get Voodoo masks to take on an entire Army?

There were hundreds and hundreds of Lightforged paladins and Lightframes, and Rokhan is like “Hey we have this troll super powers that even the Army of the Light can’t stop and we just decided to use it now”

The Army of the Light stood up to the Legion for thousands of years and a couple of Voodoo masks destroyed them?


Da legion don’ got da voodoo mon.

If only they’d consulted the amani trolls


Civilizational advancement is no match for Horde Bias.


Blizzard pretty much wrote themselves into a corner with giving the Alliance space ships and a variety of tanks, while the Horde at best have catapults, mystical voodoo magic and shamefully underutilized goblin engineering.


When I do those quests, I feel like I’m in the BfA alpha.

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hear me out.
tiki curses are something to be feared but respected.
Have you felt the burn of ataldazars fire tikis? Painful.

It’s embarrassing how much plot armor the Horde gets this expansion. Can that even be called plot armor? What’s plot armor that is used offensively?

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It’s because draenei are weak.

You know that Warframes are not “oh so big bad weapons oh lets kill everyone”.

Light is a power, shadow is a power.

Bwonsamdi could snap his fingers and I can bet his voodoo powers would get some dozen or more Warframes vanquished instantly.

The big bad arm of the light ship was cowering in fear of a “one shot canon” from the legion, and still there where it fell after “one shotted”.

Idk why all the fuzz about ancient voodoo killing that crap.

Your army of the light did not stood the legion, it just survived the legion.

And Turalyon himself quests with you hiding from the legion in many occasions because in his own words: “We cant face them”.

And the state we find them in Argos suggests they were losing that war, badly.


You mean when the hero is about to be killed by the villain , reaches randomly into the mud he just happened to fall in and pull out excalibur with yoda attached to the end duel wielding light sabers?

I think its spelled ‘plothole filler’.


So you saying the Trolls are a bunch of Plotholes ?
I take ancestral offense on that.

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Trolls no, a four man tiki ritual performed in 15 seconds to devestate hundreds of advanced fantasy tech soldiers and machines? Maybe.

Granted in the grand scheme of things thats just a world quest and shouldnt be taken seriously but there are other more story driven situations where the plotholes are almost as big but much more relevant.


Have you ever done the Troll dungeon when it was current content ?
There is really no reason to say it was “plot device”. Voodoo is a established power beyond many “can do”. Even the own voodoo practitioner. Many died from using it. There is absolutely no reason to question this. None at all.


Funny enough I did progressively raid ZG and ZA (was the first to get the timed bear in my guild) most of their big powers came from the loa. Sure they had lesser rituals with cauldrons tiki masks bone piles (bone pile mind control - funniest thing ever) but all of those implied a lot of time and sacrifice involved in their creation - I mean if it only took half a hour for them to resurrect hakkar properly I dont think we would have beat THAT timer with my guild thats for sure lol.

Thats the same sort of gameplay plothole that ignores the vindicaar.

People simply cant accept that something is possible beyond what they want it to be.
He explain well enough what it is, lore explains what it is.
We see many times it is being used.
If it is not enough, it is that thing: nothing will ever be.

It is like saying Sylvanas never hinted she is what she is now.
There are tons of speeches and reasons for her to go exactly the way she is going since WC3.
If people wont admit that is the case, doesnt make it so.
For me, there is enough.


They do have a submarine, plus we still have the aircraft carriers and stuff.

Bwomsamdi was supposed to give his power to Rastakhan and it seemed like barely anything really.

The writers never establish any rules for anything so at any moment one guy could just flick the Titans away and you aren’t supposed to get your suspension of disbelief broken.

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We trolls are typically laid back, easy-going, chilled out folks. Don’t need to be “on” all the time, don’t need to make our presence felt. But when we DO, nobody in the world is ready for what we can do. An army of Lasergoats who roll up and think they’ve got it all sorted out? think they’ve got us running for the hills? That’s just the kind of overconfidence that lets us and our voodoo squeeze by.


From horde bias plot armor. :wink:

From a plot hole, that’s where. Alliance was given all the power in the world both scifi and fantasy, while Horde still has to live in mudhuts made out of sticks and tauren feces. What other choice did Blizz have to counter that besides magic?

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Never underestimate catapults. I would think you as a Night Elf would know that…