Where classic COULD go

As much as I wish those unfinished items in Classic got finished, it’s unfortunately far too late for them to be done as they would have been. The opportunity is gone and there’s nothing we can do to get it back short of a time machine & a whole bunch of money to bribe 2006 Blizzard into doing it.

I doubt that highly. Why would Blizz leave all the TBC money on the table? It won’t be separate. We want to progress our toons to TBC. Classic will die with TBC except the very few people who stick around. Theyll most likely make progress us into TBC and make a few perma classic servers for the few who don’t TBC. TBC is wildly more popular.

Im glad someone else knows this answer and its not just me. I also can’t believe how some of these people deny how popular TBC is.

As much as i would love to see this “unfinished” content with the same spirit of vanilla wow, i don’t think it would ever be realistic.

Even if in some fantasy reality where the original devs were able to make the content and it was done well, i dont think the game really has room for more content in the same progressive philosophy of other classic raids.

The power level of characters after naxx is already insane and the gears itemization pretty much covers everything between AQ 40 and naxx, if they were to add any more content with progressively better gear it would break the game and previous content would cave in on itself

You would have people running 10 man MCs and 5 man ZGs, the carry potential of the players in gear stronger than naxx gear would be immense

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Just close your eyes and pretend you are in those places when in outland… best you are getting.

Yes it’s called TBC. Thank you have a nice day!

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