Where classic COULD go

Imagine, after Naxx:

Patch: Mt. Hyjal zone opens, you have to climb to the top where there is a raid. Maybe some demon force draining Nordrassil underground, wake up Malfurion.

Patch: Wildhammer Highlands zone opens, there is a GOOD Grim Batol raid.

Patch: Uldum break-in. Titan temples done right. Challenging dungeon content.

Karazhan, Undermine, Emerald Nightmare…

there is so much content that could be done BETTER and WITHIN classic.

TBC will bring dungeons as single tunnels with mobs added, flying was a huge mistake, the world shrinks.


And who, pray tell, would create this content? Not the current WoW Devs.


why would I want more bad content?


No classic is a museum piece and it’s going to stay that way.

The last thing this game needs is to be mutilated and rendered unplayable to anyone wishing to play WoW as it originally was, which is why classic was ever released in the first place.


Nah. Gimme TBC.


I’ll worry about Naxx first. Think we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

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That sounds disgusting.

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it wont be a museum piece if it goes to TBC

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There was a sitcom plot where one characters idiot brother would “invent” things by just shouting out random ideas. “What about like a car that flies, but also it’s a boat, and its uhh got like a stove inside so you can cook and stuff. Hey, I just invented that!”
Most of the “suggestion” posts on these forums remind me of that brother… Anyone can just shout out things they think might be cool without a thought to whether it’d even be a good idea, much less how it would be implemented…

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If TBC ever were to actually happen(which I’m still skeptical of) then it would be a completely separate project.

Blizzard made it pretty clear that they agreed that people should be able to play WoW as it originally was before expansions for legacy and history more than anything, even if it isn’t popular. That was one of the basic premises for why this game was released.

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tbc sucked just do fresh classic servers

You can be skeptical all you want to be, but the goal of Classic was to bring in money. BC will bring in more money and eventually Wrath the same. BC won’t be a completely separate project. You’re sipping some laced kool-aid if you believe that.

Blizzard did state that we should be able to play Vanilla as it was before the expansions. That said they never stated they had to leave the servers the same. They can create more Classic servers which will be most likely what they do. Even Vanilla only players get bored of P6 in time. It’s why the private server scene had new servers so often. It’s a simple and logical conclusion. The current Classic servers will progress to BC in some style. Maybe not all, but most will. It’s money and Blizzard is now driven by making more money.

Your minority opinion. And stated on one of the worst new classes ever.

Not gonna happen.

Suppose they can launch Classic TBC with a small team of 10 engineers working full time for 6 months. That’s about 2 years of content for roughly 500k players.

Now if they want to create a tiny new raid in Classic, they need maybe 10 lore guys, 20 engineers, 20 designers and 50 artists working full time for 6 months. That’s about 3 months of content for roughly 250k players.

Blizzard won’t even fix teleport hacking.

They don’t care.

No, the reason, the ONLY reason, that Classic was ever released was to give a mighty hammer to the company’s lawyers that they could use to smite people stealing their property. Everything else is bonus points.

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hes talking about classic +, it would be separate from classic.

Actually, it will.


Every option from the survey implies that Classic: vanilla will remain intact as is should they make TBC servers. The TBC servers will be separate.

Sure, most will get bored of vanilla shortly after phase 6. But there will always be those diehards that stick around because they didn’t farm Naxx for 6 months to get Atiesh for nothing. I’ll be one of them.

why would you want people to suggest content for wow classic, people dont know what they want. the safe bet is tbc classic

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This is the material point.

It would obviously be infinitely easier to restore old content in TBC than create entirely new content to tack onto Classic. This is a dream people need to stop pining for.

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