Where are the Ret buffs?

Okay so now that we have established that - why are you complaining about ret when it’s clear you are a prime example that rets can and do excel?

From your parses you seem to do anywhere between very high above average and have several times gotten top 5% or higher in performance. What is the issue?

Trust me when I say I get the idea that “just because I am good with X class doesn’t mean X class is good” I make this same argument with Elemental.

But Ret doesn’t suffer the same issue. It’s easy to be “pretty good” with ret, and its easy to be “really good” with ret, and while I dont have your gear (or likely the drive to improve) I would bet it’s easier to be excellent with ret than it is with say - elemental.

Ret might not be perfect right now, but it’s in a much better place than a lot of specs, and when you look at dps rankings I would be willing to bet you’re only looking at those 95% parses and not the class as a whole.

The current elemental build is one of the easiest, most brain dead specs in the game though.

Because it doesn’t matter that i am nearing the CAP of my POTENTIAL as a ret paladin.
It matters that i am CAPPED because i am a ret paladin.

Ret is LAST on DPS, what is hard to understand? (aug had broken hooks that were just fixed, so they’ll be on the rise)

When you look at how a class is doing you need to see it’s potential, where it caps out.
Anyone can go and hop on anything and get blue parses at 50%, so it’s irrelevant to balance on that.

Also funny that you should mention elemental, when it’s near the TOP of the meters.

What needs to be balanced is how well a spec can do relative to other specs.
Ret is the only DPS spec of the paladin class, if i want to DPS i can’t just switch to another spec of the class, cause there is none, so the spec itself must do good dmg, not be last.


There are easy builds for every class, and then there are good builds for every class. Sometimes those things overlap and you get BM hunters who are the most brain dead spec who just blast.

Yeah, that’s elemental with the build their tier set forced them into. Braindead.

You did exactly what I said you were doing and linked the top 90% in mythic only. My bad I said 95% and you posted 90%.

Now show what average (aka most players) are doing with those specs.

You know only around 5-7% of players get AOTC? Not a hard stretch to understand that even less get CE or even a single Mythic boss kill.

Once again proving my point that people at the very top can’t see the forest for the trees.

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Nerf Ret Paladins right meow!

I really don’t get what the argument here is. Why would Blizzard try to balance specs around the middle where the differences in damage are largely about player skill rather than balance at the top where the differences in damage are almost solely based on numerical values?

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Where, skill-wise and content completion-wise are most players? Is it at the top? No. At the bottom? Also no, as much as we both would like to meme about it being. It’s in the middle.

That doesn’t matter though. You can’t balance around the middle. You have to balance at the top because that’s where the actual real mathematical differences are.

Like how would you even propose Blizzard balance around the middle? There’s no actual way for them to do that because it’s not numerical. Player skill, how often you’re targeted by mechanics, how long the fight lasts, group strategy, what other duties are assigned to you, etc. all affect what kind of parses someone gets.

You can’t balance around those things. The top parses represent when things are in as ideal situation as the can be with relatively equal player skill. That’s where you can actually mathematically balance the classes.

You can’t balance around whether or not someone has to play firefighter on Larodar or if they get targeted for being duck repeatedly on Council of Dreams. It just doesn’t work that way.

You don’t ever take Devo Aura as a Ret since an H Pal can just Aura Mastery Devo Aura into an actual defensive cooldown plus the 5% damage & healing from Ret Aura is generally going to benefit your group or raid alot better than the 3% damage reduction from Devo Aura will.

What mechanics are DPS getting hit by that makes Bubble or BoP super good? None that I can think of. Even in Mythic+, the closest use I can think of for Bubble as a defensive CD is like… Etch in Waycrest Manor on high Fortified keys. Otherwise it’s generally an “oh crap! I’ma die if i don’t pop bubble.” button. I think the only place I really use BoP is Atal’Dazar on Rezan. That’s it.

This is pretty meh since DF has had a metric boatload of group & raid wide damage so Sac doesn’t do nearly as much this expansion. It has a very niche use in places like Atal’Dazar with the fixate or what have you.

Good point but also really unlikely to do much given the above with #3 with all the raid damage and it being pretty niche.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! WHAT?! Dude, you’re high on something if you think Ret has this given that Ret has gotten their off heals and self-healing nerfed into the ground cause it was super strong in PVP.

Only useful during Entangling really. I use Freedom more so for a movement speed increase than I ever do to remove movement impairing effects.

Uh, yes, they are? Shield of Veng doesn’t scale well and Divine Protection is an 8 second 30% damage reduction on a minute CD. That’s it for defensives outside of Bubble.
To put it in perspective, Shield of Veng absorbs 278k at 472 item level and my health is at 820k, that’s like a 1/4 of my health for 10 seconds, it’s nice but it really doesn’t amount to much of a defensive CD with how much raid damage we have in DF.

Only if they take Fist of Justice which is something you don’t really touch in PVE. I mean, you can, but it’s just meh.

Extremely niche, like, it’s useful in Black Rook Hold and part of Atal’Dazar. That’s it.

I can understand enjoying Ret Paladin but there’s a big difference between enjoying a class and blindly defending it against the data and numbers that are showcasing where Ret is compared to other DPS.


Peak gaming :100: :100: :100:

Just gotta adopt the mindset of riding the waves, enjoy the buffs endure the nerfs sadly just how it goes :confused:

And this is superior to it for that fight because it’s got a shorter CD and it doesn’t screw with threat when put on the tank:

Average is irrelevant, because what matters is where the spec caps out.

If the average was 50 cause ret is easy and 50 is for all, but ret caps out at 70, but the rest of the classes cap out at 90, is it fair for ret players that don’t do average dps?

Because as it is, it isn’t fair for those that are at or near the cap of the spec, average players will always do average dmg for their spec.
If Blizz raises the ceiling for ret, going from 90 to 99, let’s say 10% more dmg to the spec, those average players will notice from 50 to 55%, 5%, so the raise is a % of skill, not a +% dmg added.

Per short, having an equal ceiling welcomes equal opportunity for all players, having lower ceiling for classes makes for inequality.

Also for closure, other classes/specs are getting more buffs than ret, we can also go by all percentiles and it’ll show that ret is near the bottom:
Below it are:

  • Augmentation - hooks were just fixed, it needs new data to see it’s proper position, so we can ignore it
  • Windwalker Monk - they received bigger buffs than us, much bigger so they’ll bypass us shortly
  • Frost Mage - they also received bigger buffs than ret, much bigger so they’ll bypass us as well

And remember, WW and Frost are already higher than us at their maximum potential, so they’ll be even more so.

Blizzard buffing Mages that much more than ret is a travesty when all of them are higher, while ret receives only another 3% buff and that shows their disregard for the spec.

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Yea but then everything else was buffed as well and now that puts rets still last place with only sometimes second to last. Even with the lego axe, other classes can have that one too.

use bop to remove Jagged nettles from your party members in waycrest manor on heartsbane triad boss.

use bop to remove party member from thorns on soulbound goliath.

there are a lot more but i dont see the need to list them all… you get the picture.

prot and holy does that as well, infact theyre better at that niche then use because they also bring unique utility to the tab le along side the paladin unity (summer, goldenpath)

It’s crazy Ret got a rework and they’re still this bad

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Ret was crazy for like 1 week after their rework.

Then they got the nerfbat.

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