Where are the Ret buffs?

Ret now last DPS in Mythic outside of Augmentation, where are the buffs? Going to get a LEGENDARY axe and still be bottom, really?


Thats why I hate Blizzard and hate retail WoW. Because they keep messing up paladins.


as opposed to classic where you apply buffs and then afk autoattack for 5 minutes?


Seen the massiv tuning pass for sod? Sad to say but your season of fun as transformed into season of eSports as well :slight_smile:

I’m sure your concerns will be addressed in short order, mean while other specs…will languish with innatention. Paladins are literally the Mage of melee classes

“oh you’re not performing.” turns knob to 11

Thanks daddy Ian


I dunno about that Mages and Paladins are down there.

Along with WW even after two weeks of buffs in a row. Nature of the class, but the tier set definitely hasn’t helped.

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We are beta classes man, our greater blessing of wisdom now belongs to Evokers remember? We take something, test it for some time, and pass it to someone else.

We are not meant for greatness, we are the stepping stone for the aspirations of others.
IF we are at the top, it meants something was tuned too high and we needed to be tweaked and that SCALING is then further optimized on the other classes so they dun suffer as badly.

Yes i am jesting but there’s some fraction of truth in what i just said. Lego Axe or not, it’s not gonna change much and certainly will not propel us to relevancy.

At this point i am just waiting to see what we are losing to someone else in the next expansion.

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This is an obvious lie. I’m guessing you expect most people on the forum to be clueless or you wouldn’t have typed it in the first place.


Nah bro we are not last.

Proceeds to check logs

Oh, well damn when did that happen?


we get redesigned every tier.

You aren’t in logs or sims.

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Classic Andys have arthritis. Give them a break. They’re only trying to relive their days of relevance from 20 years ago.


some people like to look at the battlefield during the battle, not at the action bar, DBM, WA and several other addon bars.

The best part is when they get a buff or end up at the top for even a couple of weeks and everyone loses their minds.

Then you’ll be called a fotm player even though you’ve played the class when it was at the bottom.


All I want for Christmas is some RET PALADIN BUFFS!


Blizzard: Best I can do is buff bm hunter.


Nah dude, the weakest legendary ever made is gunna fix your DPS

Just ignore all the numbers and facts it won’t, we swear you’ll be good again once you get it

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You do know that ret’s performance in raid is not just tied to its damage output, right?

Ret has infinite utility. Giving rets more damage would just make them way too overpowered.

As it is currently, ret utility provides way too much to a raid group.

If anything, ret damage should be nerfed a little to balance their utility to the group.

We can’t have a class that is so useful as ret and still have them being top damage; this is why Aug voker damage/buffing was nerfed.


What in the world are you on about?

Ret Aura is the only unique thing ret brings to a raid team and that isnt nearly as good as most things every other class brings to a raid group.

Holy Paladins bring everything ret does. Augmentation evokers are barely doing less damage than Ret and brings 10X the utility to a raid group. Even a DKs grip is more valuable than anything Ret brings to a raid.

You’re actually proposing to nerf the damage of the 2nd lowest DPS in the game to compensate for their utility that is completely overshadowed by literally everything else. Take your medicine.


1.Ret aura OR devotion aura
2.Two immunities to cheese some mechanics
3. Sac to reduce damage someone else takes
4. Lay on hands to save someone (on a three minute cool-down if you use while they are low hp).
5. Excellent offheals and self healing
6. Blessing of freedom to remove movement impairing effects.
7. Infinite survivability - rets are never in danger.
8. Stun on a very short cool-down
9. Wake of ashes is an aoe stun for demons and undead.