Where are the oce players?

I’ve never seen 3s so dead.
OCE prime time btw.


That’s impressive, ngl

I refuse to do 3s until gladiator mount is dropped to 2100 rating and inflation is put back to a reasonable setting. Most seasons I get stuck around 2100-2250 rating in 2s/3s and I am sick of never getting glad mount. Why participate when it’s impossible to beat the boosters and r1 gatekeepers. That’s why i am not in that LFG window.

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why do u think everyone should get gladiator mount? its supposed to be for the “elite” players as it always has been

There’s certainly a wall where you go from regular people and boom multiglads on their 4th alts of the same class. Don’t think its boosters though there’s just no one else playing sadly.

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this is a really good mindset to have about things

people dont realise these “boosters and r1 players” are completely beatable. do what they had to do when they started arena.

  1. find people your skill level
  2. queue until you get better
  3. find better players to q with
  4. glad mount

Venruki has the same opinion. Participation is plummeting because nothing is attainable for non rank 1 xp anymore. And this deflates the ladder even further. It would be much healthier for 20,000 people to get a glad mount with 1,000,000 players on ladder, than for 500 players to get glad mount with only 10,000 players on ladder.


let it be man. glad mounts is all some of these people got in their lives.

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what happened to people qing just to q and have fun? why does everyone who gets 2k need a glad mount? if you really dont enjoy the game so much just dont play. asking blizzard for handout glad mounts cant be the solution right?

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The problems arise with the wild swings in rating every season. Last season I got to rank 165 // 2744 rating in solo shuffle for example. Right now I am rank 238 // 1834 rating. Just to get my 2100 duelist enchant would require me being rank 29 NA right now. The severe deflation has pushed even more rewards out of attainability.


You are the epitome of what I’m talking about, even with the multiple warrior alts at 1600. No blame on you it’s a symptom of a small pvp playerbase.

It’s a completely different learning environment. Back in the day you never (IDC about some random season 10 years ago) had this kind of difficulty spike it was a gradual increase. Better for learning better for fun which a lot of high exp players seem to forget.

It is fun until you get whiplash going from average joe to someone like mud every other game. Sure it’s a good learning experience from time to time but its literally every other game, it’s too often. Someone actually 1600 in a normal season has 0 chance of beating these people

They are likely to just get frustrated and quit which is what we are seeing now.


Before you say “THAT SOLO SHUFFLE ITS DIFFFERNT HRRRRR” just compare shadowlands season 1 (over 9,000 glad mounts by week 10) to dragonflight season 1 (~400 glad mounts in the same week). The goal posts move a LOT and it’s very discouraging.


no flame to you, but you average rival2-duelist so far, wouldnt it make sense for your end rating at the season to be around duelist? why should you be able to obtain that instantly now and furthermore if everyone could just q and get duelist now wouldnt that diminish the accomplishment? the same way no one respects s2 SL gladiators because everyone and their dog got the mount.

if a bunch of inflation was added instantly while people are already 2500-2600 in 3s, what would that make their end of season goal? r1 cutoff would be 3600 lol

I’m not complaining about or ever have about my own rating. You are arguing about something I’ve never said. I want to fight players of similar skill level at my rating.

I want fun games and I want more people in pvp. I don’t care about my rating.

Who cares about that besides r1/mglads? I want people in PVP and if it takes rewards/inflation for the more casual players so be it.
Everyone benefits when the playerbase is healthy.

Why is only the end of season incentivized? No reason to play for a lot of people who only care about rating/rewards until the last few weeks. This represents a lot of players - for better or worse.
Lots of players come back for a new patch/season and maybe try pvp, its super deflated/not inflated, they fight glads at low ratings, don’t have a realistic chance at getting anything and don’t touch arena again.
You have to be invested in arenas to commit to learning and the experience is trash for new players.


well to be fair those alts have like 15 total games played. I’m currently only playing 1 character but sure call me out ig thats chill

??? You are just an example I only used because you posted in this thread. I don’t think you are making alts to trash low ratings or whatever you think I’m saying about you. There are plenty of glads with alts and that seems to be a large amount of players around 1600 now.

No need to be offended.

What does this matter

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
is that Flapz?? LMAO!!

Youre really boring

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