Playing Diablo 4, probably.
I do that but at step 3 i always get kicked and barraged with slurs
cant do any of those if no one is playing this game
As an oce player playing on tich and oce servers i wish the scene was better. Yesterday at peak oce time i sat a 5 min queue as a healer. Aditionally it can take a while to find games in 2s and 3s. It is one of the reasons why i moved to tich.
In some ways I agree with you in some ways I disagree.
Gladiator should be difficult, but if more people get it, shouldn’t destroy the achievement of getting it. There is always a r1 achievement or high rating you can get to feel better about yourself.
I really think the cap is bad for the game. I understand a reset, but capping gains makes no sense.
Tbh they should justify change how gladiator is rewarded. Right now people just wait for later in the season to push. Which is bad. They need to make it so it’s achievable at all points in the season so people are constantly playing. In addition, smaller rewards for achieving different ratings throughout the season should be in the game. Like in league you get a emoji for being a certain rating ie. Plat for a certain quarter or half of the season. Adding more fomo to keep people playing isn’t nesc a bad thing.
Although at the end of the day, a lot of people aren’t having fun playing arena, which makes the game feel dead. Maybe add cooler visuals and sound effects for abilities. Skill shots etc… would make the game more interesting. Not sure what blizzard could do without adding in a lot of dev time.
knowing oce wow players, i’d say probably methadone clinics or sanctuaries for abuse victims
edit: or prison
I want to be upset by this…but you’re right…
funny story about aussies:
I was up to my neck in mountain hot spring waters, enjoying the cool air and cold beers, at a place called ‘Onsen World’, in Osaka, Japan. A bunch of Aus guys came in, apparently experiencing a lot of confusion, as they were being told to leave.
The Japanese have fairly strict reqs for being in the onsen: no piercings, no tattoos, no bleached hair, etc. Full nudity is required. A few of the gentlemen conformed to the local customs. Many opted to leave with their shirts on their back.
Did any of those who left have any nuts? The evidence suggests they do not.
I thought they laxed a lot of that since tattoos in non-Japanese cultures aren’t like symbols of crime culture?
I’m unsure. This was Feb 2019. I didn’t see anybody with tats, but I also didn’t go snorkeling or lifting legs up. Point being (as I post on the wow forums about being an American man in East Asia): just go snorkeling if you want to spend your USD.
its obvious platypus… this is what happens when we mix a reward that is just a cool looking cosmetic, but mechanically works like a medal of prestigee.
sure the glad mount does have its high status for how hard it is, but before the status what people see is what the glad mount is… a mount, a badass looking mount.
and what happens when people see a badass looking mount? “i want it”… and then becomes a situation of “but you are not ultra mega good at pvp, so you can’t have it”, “but i want it”, “oh but you can’t have it”.
its beautifull to say keep it as it is so the mount keep having its high prestigious value, until you are within a position where you don’t have it, and the certainty that you will never have it.
its foolish to say, oh but if they do work hard enough they surely manage to get there one day.
and to that i say no… many people try it, the best they can… and they fail miserably, for many years.
everyone can get it if they try their best, and stay there and work hard, and push until they can get it? thats not true at all.
if you want to preserve the spirit of playing pvp for the sake of pvp of being competitive in your blood, then the rewards should reflect that… cosmetic reward do not reflect that at all… a comestic is about looking pretty.
where are you getting this data?
HAHA seeing is believing my friend…and it seems like there was nothing to see at all.
It should be top % based, not ratings based. It used to be % based. Now it isnt anymore.
No. The FOS above glad for the tup %s are elite. Glad is just a normal thing that everyone one day eventually ends up getting when you do enough PvP in retail.
R1 for me is about 2.7k rating. Glad for me is a few hundred less.