Where are playable Night Elf Paladins?


One paladin.

And as you can see above, Nelf fangirls weren’t universally keen on that goofy Charlie-in-a-box of a character.


Yeah but Tauren spells in-game unfortunately don’t reflect An’she at all, and neither do Zandalari Paladins’ spells reflect the loa, even though there are NPC’s with spells that do.



The problem isn’t that they can’t do this but rather they have the same problem they wanted to solve when they opened up more classes to Draenei, Tauren, and more

Namely that at this point it isn’t worth it to just add it to “one or two” but with everything they have … they need to add it to all races at the same time, and that is way more problematic

I was hesitent towards them adding warlocks to Lightforged Draenei and the like but, they solved the issues I had with it not making any sense so at this point I’m all for them opening it up to all races and classes

But it does mean that they are now in a situation where opening it up means that either everyone gets it, or no one - so making ONE set of abilities ain’t any issue, takes a fair bit of work but doing that to every class that’s missing out on being a paladin is difficult
And they have to decide whether it is Paladins next or another one, which at this point all of 'em would have significant amount of work necessary for each and everyone of 'em

So… it is coming, and if I were to make a bold guess maybe we could see 'em as early as when we go to the Emerald Dream with whatever patch makes us go there as that’ll have a lot of Night Elf lore tied to it
But we might have to wait a bit longer than that, since either they release Paladin and Shaman for Night Elves specifically or we get Paladins (my guess) for all races next

And they definitely should, I am not arguing that, only arguing that it should not prevent them from being added to the game.

If we could get glyphs or some way to change colors on spells to match races better that would be insane ie nelf paladins (or all nelfs maybe?) get ‘glyph of white light’, taurens get ‘glyph of an’she’ etc but look what it took for them to add green fire and look how many times they’ve been asked if they’ll ever do that again. It’s been a very long time since that was added and we’ve seen nothing else since for a reason, in every interview about it they’ve just shrugged it off. For whatever reason it doesn’t seem like they are on board with it, and they’ve also been removing things that RPers usually like because ‘its too confusing visually’ ie water ele or observer looks, and they haven’t added any way to get those back cosmetically at all.

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probably after they allow all races to be Druids. which i imagine will be either in the next expansion, or the one after that. then there’s Shamans…and the only classes that’ll still be restricted to certain races, will be Demon Hunters and Evokers. though i imagine it won’t be long before they allow all races to be those classes too.

They have been opening classes to more races. So i don’t doubt this will come eventually.

While cool from an aesthetic perspective , it felt forced. I think narratively this would have made more sense for a kaldorei to forsake elune following the burning of teldrassil. Turning towards a more retribution-like version of a paladin alongside their night warrior transformation and then having a Draenei help impart some long-lived paladin perspective would have been better.

It would have been a way to open up paladins for nelfs and do so without the humans being the main driving force, and it would have been a good time to also expand about the exarch/Draenei paladin lore.

I liked Delas Moonfang and I totally get where she is coming from. Sometimes you get tired of being a backline healer and just want to smash a hammer in somethings face. You could even see it as rebelling against cultural norms. Tired of being a moon priestess lounging around in frilly dresses and want to slap on some honking plate armor then get up close and personal with the enemy.

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Problem with that is that Night Elf priestesses aren’t backline healers. The priest class in WoW forces that perception but priestesses of the moon were powerful cavalry/spellcasters in WCIII. She didn’t need to “find a better way” or whatever by turning to some human idea of what a frontline warrior is. Her order already did that.


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That doesn’t really come across well in WoW. Girl decided she wanted to walk a different path in life and that’s cool. I did the same thing when I decided to be an engineer back in the 90’s despite my family wanting me to be a secretary for some big company.

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My guess is the 10.2 patch cycle will give us either Shaman or Paladin for everyone. And then the 10.3 cycle will be the other one.

Druids I don’t see happening all at once. They’ll probably do that class gradually as they develop the druid forms for each race.

Demon Hunter I view as still up in the air if they’ll expand that to more races.

Evoker they’ve been pretty adamant that it’ll stay Drac’thyr only… but they could end up changing their minds in a future expansion.

The examples of which can be counted on one hand, were limited in presence to the paladin class hall campaign, and the one that people always point to is hated by night elf fans for abandoning her culture in favor of human culture. They didn’t invent an entire order of night elf paladins supporting the Alliance.

It’s more or less confirmed that it will happen anyway because Blizzard caved to the masses and will open paladins up to every non-dracthyr race, probably after or around the same time as shamans and before druids, unless they can’t BS something together to explain void elf and undead paladins and just leave them both out. Meanwhile, DHs and evokers being opened up are still both highly unlikely.


Next expansion when they remove race restrictions on all base classes.

They’re slow learners.
We Gnomes are doin’ our best to teach them the things though.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Highlord Kruul led a combined force of Burning Legion, Old God, and Djaradin (BLOGD) through the Dragon Isles towards Aberrus. As they wound through the hills around Timberstep Outpost, a lone Night Elf Paladin stood forth on a hilltop and proudly stated:

“One Night Elf Paladin is worth any hundred BLOGD soldiers!”

Surprised at Delas Moonfang’s challenge, Kruul looked at his forces and settled on a Shivarra champion. Pointing at Delas, he commanded “Kill her!”

As the Shivarra reached the hilltop a quick scuffle ensued before Delas resumed her place at the crest where she exclaimed:

“One Night Elf Paladin is worth any hundred BLOGD soldiers!”

Highlord Kruul waves at a squad of Faceless Ones and commands them: “Kill Her!”

The squad rushes up the hill and disappear over the top. Noises of thumps, whumps, and squishing sounds is heard before Delas once again stands forth on the hilltop and jeers:

“One Night Elf Paladin is worth any hundred BLOGD soldiers!”

Kruul is incensed that this worthless Paladin is holding up his task and killing his troops. He will teach this worthless Paladin a lesson. Looking at a Djaradin platoon, he demands of them: “Kill Her!”

The Djaradin rush up the hill behind their war cries whereupon a massive battle ensues with screams, cursing, and the clangor of steel on steel. Highlord Kruul celebrates his foresight and imminent victory until a lone Djaradin, broken and bloodied, crawls weakly into sight and down the hill towards what is left of his force. Delas Moonfang resumes her post on top of the hill and challengingly yells:

“One Night Elf Paladin is worth any hundred BLOGD soldiers!”

Highlord Kruul is enraged at this turn of events, but before he can order the remainder of his force up the hill, the lone Djaradin crawls up to him with terror in his eyes and says, “Highlord! It’s a trap! There’s TWO of them!”

Looking back up the hill, Kruul sees Nerus Moonfang had joined his cousin, Delas, where they state: “we are the Night Elf Paladins that have existed in WoW lore since Legion.”

Sorry, I just had to.


Night Elves do not serve the light in that way. The closest you will get is priestesses of Elune.


why do they need to make a special mount for paladins… just give paladins every race and add a mount later if u want…

most paladins use the legion class order hall mount as their divine steed anyways.

There were mages within that order hall too. Where are those mage-paladins?

Did someone say Draenei warlock!?

It’s been 19 years since we’ve seen murlocs and we still can’t play them. That’s where the term NPC comes from.