Yup. My main disappointment about the more or less confirmed statement of every class for every race will end up in an incredibly stale/boring world over all.
I would race change my main to a Jinyu in a heartbeat
I would play a pretty savage race like (yes furry dammit!) Saberon for alliance, i think the blue gold Alliance PvP armor with the lionsheads would look quite good. Alliance needs a race like that imo, idk Worgen (werewolves, i didnt grow up on Twilight but AWWIL
) to me just dont do it to fullfill that in i would want to roll one, tried one out but it was a little “emo” to me. Worgen wouldve made a killer Horde race tho, how about we swap Vulpera for Worgen?
You… can’t tell the difference? Its no harder than it is for Vulpera.
One of the many reasons they’ve given on Ogres in the past… gods they’ve considered them like three times. Can’t wait for em to be added. Honestly doesn’t hold up though.
Blizzard fairly clearly isn’t that concerned given the last bunch of races they’ve added.
Dracthyr… kinda throw a wrench in that thought.
The Earthen also don’t really mesh terribly they even added the beards dwarves should have.
I mean… why not? They’re mammals…
canine mammals have litters and multiple umm… milk delivery systems. hehe
I think another issue is all the “fat” races in this game are made to be goofy instead of cool or serious.
I main a panda and they’re goofy as hell. Nobody looks at a panda and thinks they’re the picture of coolness or takes them seriously.
Mammary glands. Clinical and to the point.
True, though how they evolved on the path to sentience could have resulted in a lessening of the litter size and thus less need and a reduction in such glands.
Thats besides the point though. lol
It’s a myth that Alliance had the pretty races and Horde had the ugly races at any point really. Up until not that long ago, all the attractive dudes in the game used the male blood elf model. Even now I think male night elves are sort of an acquired taste (at least since the WoD model update—before that they were just ugly, and actually most of their face options are still bad except like one).
In BfA when they were finally ready to add another hot guy race, they made it a horde race (zandalari trolls)
Oh so that’s what this thread was about.
yes because we need a 5th elf race
Haven’t cared for Tuskarr since the Wotlk daily where we had to murder mothers and steal their babies (for their own good)
Well don’t you look silly Emet.
- “only a loud minority are asking for that.” — The same thing was repeatedly said about those requesting WoW classic, with others stating it was just an ‘echo chamber’ and it would be silly to assume it’d be popular … It ended up being a colossal success.
- Even the devs @ Blizzcon even stated that the majority of their playerbase play alts – and about half of that amount have quite a lot of alts.
Which is weird because there’s easy fixes for that (Eg. Accomplishing full-set rewards special barbershop armour to douse your Dracthyr in) – but they’re not willing to put in the effort for such methods.
i thought the inclusion of dracthyr where they had limited armor choices on their non-visage form was proof they would be adding allied or playable races with odd body types such as ethereals, dryads, naga and etc
But they’re just regular trolls?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like trolls. And I especially like Zandalari trolls. But we already have those.
Hasn’t stopped them from giving us 4 flavors of regular elves.
Nice. Topic restored.
Everyone posting on the forums are the loud minority.
Like tinkers. Barely anyone actually wants them. It’s just a loud minority wants them.
Gonna be 100 here, I find it so strange you added Vulpera here when statistically there are people who play races that arent pretty like Orcs Tauren and Trolls then Vulpera by a wide margin. Im pretty sure the market is there for players in that group. Id also mention that genreally Allied races are pretty low in terms of popularity in general. The highest played one looking to be Void Elves, which I think is more because of high elves then anything.
If they added a cool Gnoll, I would switch over right away. Even if that meant it would be my first Horde character.
Give me that!
Because they ARE humanoid. They are not foxes, just as Pandaren are humanoid and not pandas, and the various types of Tauren are not cattle. If they ever make Saberon, Tuskarr, or any other ‘beast’ races playable, they’ll do the same with them.