Way to lose any merit you may have been trying to make.
You know that I’m right, that’s why you can only insult me and avoid confronting the facts.
Way to lose any merit you may have been trying to make.
You know that I’m right, that’s why you can only insult me and avoid confronting the facts.
Tuskarr is another race I would prefer to play over ogres or a new high elf faction.
Not many are addicted to making Alts
Laughs in my 48 alts (Horde and Alliance. One of every shaman race.) Guess I’m not average.
People just need to stop giving attention to the high elf spammers. Oh wait, they can’t. They love fighting with them, they feed on the drama.
Not really. What I said is just the truth. Most of what they add to the game is entirely pointless and has no value but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do it. I don’t really care what gets added as long as the people who want that stuff are happy with it.
You on the other hand seem overly hateful towards anyone who disagrees with you. You have what you want and want to shoot others in the foot for wanting something you don’t like or care about.
Stay in your lane.
Didn’t the moderators just unflag this topic?
I do hope that they start punishing flag abusers and put in a system where abusers cannot keep trying to flag out a moderator restored post.
This is getting pretty pathetic of them and wasting moderator time as they’ll have to unflag it again.
We’re getting earthen because they were cheap and easy
Copy/paste the dwarf model, add a skin texture, slap some rock candy on them and bam, done.
No fitting armor to them or making new animations, nothing. It was the laziest and cheapest way to make something “new”.
Which supports my point.
Tuskarr will never be an allied race due to the work needed for them.
They’ll never be an expansion selling race because they’re ugly, fat, and most players wouldn’t play them. Especially when male and female Tuskarr look exactly the same.
Blizzard has seen how poorly the ugly and/or fat races do. Majority just aren’t interested in them.
It’s why Blood Elves get the most love out of the races and why Void Elves are getting love in Midnight. Or how High Elves are still the most requested race since Beta.
#1 Most played race: Blood Elves, followed by humans and Night Elves.
#1 Most played allied race: Void Elves, followed by Vulpera.
The people have spoken.
I respectfully disagree about your “ugly race” comment. At one time Horde population VASTLY outweighed the Alliance population. Unless BEs are considered the most beautiful race idk. This is why cross faction raiding and instances became a thing because allot of Alliance players were complaining about on some servers not being able to find players to complete content UNLESS they rolled Horde characters.
Everyone got past the “ugly” quick too when they realized in terms of the games story the Horde was more center stage to the story and how it was told than the Alliance, still is too imo.
Errrr… Over half of all Horde characters are Blood Elves.
If you aren’t a super hardcore raider or pvper, then racials didn’t matter as much or at all for the majority of players.
It took the Vulpera to join the Horde to actually reduce Blood Elven dominance even slightly.
Blizzard also gave the Alliance the Void Elves to help even the scales as Blood Elf players that wanted to play Alliance would only do it if they could be a pretty elf.
As for story… I disagree. Horde has been collecting constant Ls and have gone through 4 Warchiefs already.
Your funny, sure got allot to say about what Blizzard will or wont do in their game. As an Alliance player your proving my point, you know we been thru 4 warchiefs cuz they been center stage to the story of the game. Horde perspective has been center stage from how the story is told TBC and on. Varian was a HORDE gladiator before he became King, cant disagree with that. Everything if you think about it has been mostly told from the perspective of the Horde, who, why and what they have done to the Alliance and the effect. Thrall’s orgin story isnt even told from the perspective of the humans (alliance) either
Facts aren’t meant to be funny.
You also prove my point by you being a Blood Elf.
They’re actually pretty much ready right now. The recent update to them is almost entirely encompassing of all player required traits. Even armor works on em.
I disagree.
Female Tuskarr look exactly like male ones.
The reason they gave against Ogres in the past is due to having to make a Female Ogre. A lot of work, even harder to make them appealing. Especially with how Tuskarr are… Not very pretty by the regular human eye.
I meam, consider how much cuter Female Panda are compared to the males.
I still remember them “cutifying” female Worgen and it took a ton of fan backlash to get that changed and make them look fierce.
Heck, even Female Kul Tiran were made less… Fat and ugly compared to the male ones.
Blizzard seems to prefer making female models cuter than male ones. It would be extremely hard to do that when Tuskarr females look exactly like the male ones.
I mean, they literally gave Female Vulpera humanoid boobs…
these days, the smallest minority are the loudest. Also, I’d wager that less than 1 percent of WoW players even visit these forums. And everyone on these forums is a god damn furry. Besides me.
Also vulpera mains aren’t allowed to live near public schools, in addition to the furry thing.
I think you’re being too generous with the excuses for the dev team.
They should be making transmogs look good.
They should have no clipping on new body styles.
These things should be table stakes for any race, existing or new, but alas… here we are. I unfortunately agree things won’t look good if they were to go with playable tuskarr. Same with gnolls or ogres. There’s no incentive to do things well anymore.
Mechagnomes are bad - limited styles and transmogs. They could have been much better with some variable robotification and viable transmogs.
It was just as bad with dracthyr imo - all the customization but no transmogs. Even the visage form was easier given the blood elf / human selection.
I wish we had higher quality. I wish we didn’t have apologists telling me we could only get that if we lose a tier. It’s a sad state and only going to get worse with more accelerated release schedules.
Imo Vulpera shouldve been Alliance…
Maybe friend, maybe…but the law is the law.
Because they are hot. Have you seen them forest troll muscles?