People don’t really want to play ugly races, there is a reason blood elves are by far the most played race in the game and things like Kul Tiran and Mechagnomes are by far the least played. There would be some people who would play things like Tuskarr, but not really many.
gonna need a source on that one.
i reckon most people have a whole lot more than 1-3 characters, especially when the average wow player seems to have 1 to 3 accounts.
I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I sure don’t want Tuskar.
I understand this argument.
Like the cat girls in ff14 are super popular. I hate that crap. But girls especially seem to like it.
Another interesting case is DnD which has a sort of war between people who like the more traditional fantasy races and the people who like playing devils and cat people.
I’d play one depending on the racial. NE is skewed due to shadowmeld. My preference of they took racials out of the game would honestly be gnome/troll/goblin.
I am pretty. Just look into my soft eyes and ignore that cow patty you just stepped in.
It’s a majority.
Notice how Elves are the most played races while yours is at the bottom 5?
I don’t care, Kul Tirans will always be sexier than all elves.
Blizzard said as such at Blizzcon.
I highly doubt a sizeable number of players pay for multiple b net accounts
This I’d buy just based on the anecdotal info of my friend and guild groups. But also I’d like to see a source on this claim either way.
Literally at Blizzcon when they introduced Warbands.
That’s good and all, but in a game which needs money to generate to stay afloat, the Kul Tirans are nothing which contributes to the overall improvement of the game (and I say that as someone who loves her Kul Tiran rogue).
The Alliance needs better playable races to compete with the Horde.
Nah, we’re good.
I’ll take a look but I don’t think that means what you think it means. Last time I saw data on the frequency and quantity of alts the average was like 10 to 15 alts for the majority.
Again not doubting you so much as that seems way off to me from what I’ve seen in the past and experienced myself. (Hell I have 8 70’s right now and over a hundred characters between my own two paid accounts.)
hey now…hehe
I am pretty positive more people would end up playing Tuskarr than Pandas after a few years…
Honestly I find Forest/Amani Trolls to be a more likely addition than High Elves as their own race. Blood Elves and Void Elves are already pretty much High Elves.
What would a High Elf race even be at this point? They’d have to have some kind of racials that make them somehow different than Blood and Void Elves, and in my opinion, Blood Elves and Void Elves really need some expansion of customization options.
High Elves would also probably just steal the customization options that Blood Elves and Void Elves should get, because I’m pretty sure that customization expansion for current races and brand new races are kind of mutually exclusive development concepts. I’m not sure they want to or can do new races and new customization for older races at the same time.
They need to add more elves. All the elf races seem to follow this three letters + 'dorei naming convention; that means they could potentially have 17,576 different elf races and we only have four so far.
Neither of these would be particularly likely because they’re just blood/void elves and regular trolls with a new coat of paint. But apparently we’re getting dwarves with gems on them so who knows?
Yeah. The earth dwarf thing is really strange.