Whenever I see requests for Tuskarr

If we were to get another Troll race, it would probably use an updated version of the “beefy” Troll model. The only issue though is that there currently isn’t really a female equivalent of the “beefy” model.

I don’t know if we’re really getting any other Allied Races besides Earthen during the Worldsoul Saga though. I generally don’t assume that something’s going to get added unless there’s a reliable source saying that something’s getting added, and there’s currently no reason to think there’s more than just Earthen for the Worldsoul Saga.

The only thing I can think is they could go break glass in case of emergency with high elves on the middle expansion.

But that’s high speculation.

Somehow the loud minority asked for Stone Dwarves and got it.

They did? I think it was some Blizzaro monkey paw if anything…

Like - hey - we want a new allied race. Oh? How about stoned dwarves!?

I haven’t a clue.

I’m being a smartass. I can’t really find any evidence to back up either claim.

Whoever thought it was a good idea is going to eventually get outed or out themselves.

Good idea fairies.

How many people main a cyborg Gnome? For real? Anywhere I can look up the stats?

hey the only thing I really want is a baby tuskarr follwing me around and reminding me to get more fish …

oh man. faeries would be awesome.

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I don’t see that going well.

Especially if they’re annoying like Lady Moonberry. Should be swatted with a big old no thanks!

Pandaren are way better.

Walruses irl are freaky and Pandas irl are awesome.

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oh my idea’s worse. gnomes with faery wings. and only goofy smiles. no angry faces. and they gotta have rosy cheeks with freckles and when they do /sit, a mushroom appears as their chair. :laughing:

I need you to meet me somewhere very, very high so you may be dealt with accordingly.

I think Gorgond would work or anywhere on the Dragon Isles. How about Azure Span?

:laughing: oh i think its a great idea.