Whenever I see requests for Tuskarr

I wouldn’t say they’re ready. If it was that easy then Blizzard would be popping out way more Allied Races.

There’s a lot under the hood that we don’t know about.

Blizzard is less inclined to put in all that time into it when players just keep going for the pretty elves whom take far less work than the ugly races.

Vulpera are the exception, it seems. Players really enjoy the Vulpera, despite the memes and slander.

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I mean,

  • awkward speech patterns,
  • blubbery
  • two big front teeth.
    Who was it that said representation matters in Blizzard games? I’d agree this falls under that.

High Elves and San’layn are the only remaining major Elven Tribes that are unplayable.

Midnight is about uniting the Elven Tribes.

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Is that confirmed officially, or just a general belief/hope?

Metzen said those literal words.


Says the void elf.

More people would play tuskarr than gemstone herpes dwarves.

And guess which one we get for War Within.


Yes. Chris himself said it at Blizzcon.


I would role a Tuskarr if they had 100% swim speed and would twist in the air while jumping out of the water, like Free Willy!


I can’t decide if I like Tuskarr or the turtle people best.


I’d roll a Tuskar Shaman if all their totems were just piles of wet mud.

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Can you make it to the water?


Furiously sand swims, all huff’n n puff’n…


Hi, Emet.

You’re the loud minority that wants high elves.

Will Tuskar leader be voiced by Kevin Smith?

I remember when there was a small troll tribe living in the mountains of Darkshore and you had to be tricky to get there. They were neutral and kind of cute for that reason. And then we had the Zandalari as a neutral faction. All Horde now. I do not want the Tuskarr to go this path and even if they could choose faction to join it would still be bad. If there was a third, strictly neutral faction then sure go for it but the Tuskarr should not be caught up in faction politics.

i’d roll a tuskarr or two
i’d roll one or two of many races if they were playable just as fun alts and a different experience assuming they had different racials and maybe even some racial quests or a racial starting experience or at least allied racial unlock quests

Tuskar would be one of the best things to come out of dragonflight besides Tauren/dranei/eredar rogues.

Agreed, give us tortillas! I mean Tortollans…

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That’s something people love to ignore. The lore behind Void Elves is the least one of all playable races and yet they are played, because they look pretty and fulfill all Mary Sue/Gary Stu requests.