When zoomers try to tank

In the beginning they wouldn’t care at all. But just watch the moment other zoomers start whining about how bad they’re at tanking they’re going to give up quick.

If anyone finds the point of this post please let me know


I remember I was healing for a group. One of the zoomer dps who was pulling every time before tank dies. He screams at the zoomer tank because he was tanking with a 2her instead of a shield and then they get into a heated argument. I shake my head watch the spectacle before telling them to calm down that they should get over it. Weird that zoomers are tanking without a shield but when they’re dps they tell the zoomer tank to use a shield. What nonsense.

I honestly can’t take anyone who uses the word “zoomer” unironically seriously anyway.


What the heck is a zoomer anyway?


Yeah I don’t understand this whole “zoomer” vs “boomer” garbage either. I guess this is what happens when any moron can get on the internet now.


I was in a guild in the early days with a guy who was studying music in college. He’d occasionally sing opera in teamspeak during raids. He was a crooner. But that was pretty uncommon. Not as numerous as zoomers or boomers.


He just learned the word zoomer and came here to take it for a spin.


I bet you smell horrible.

Well, I am undead, so…


Ok but seriously, can somebody actually tell me what a zoomer is?

Nickname for younger generation that needs instant gratification. They produce very little but consume everything at a fast pace, constantly asking for more.


Idiots and brats exist in every generation.


So… just another word for kid?


Its the term for modern players based off of E-sports. They are used to retail and being on a timer. High dps is a must. Life is different in classic but who knows the outcome. All I know is when I group with them I just leave.


Google tells me zoomers are generation Z. The people who cant really remember a time before 9/11. Im pretty sure the people who use boomer arent referring to the baby boomers though so idk.

Urban Dictionary:

Refers to members of Generation Z and is a play on the term “Boomer,” which refers to members of the Baby Boomer generation. The term Zoomer is also in reference to the fast-paced upbringings members of Generation Z are characterized to have due to the fast advances in technology and culture that has been happening around them as a result of the interconnectivity of the American and Global populations because of the ubiquity of internet-connected smart phones and social media.

Hi Emilyanne, I think I have found the point. It is a racist comment against a race called “Zoomers” with no other apparent point.

When boomers try to tank: Retail tries to swipe the book, I hate my wife

My husky goes nuts when I come home from work. When I go to the back door to let her outside she bolts off super fast and runs back and forth across the yard with no goal other than to move as fast as she possibly can.

She will run to the edge of the fence and then come charging back past me to the other side of the yard. After a few rounds of this she lays down in the sun and just looks around.

When a husky does this it is known as “zoomies”. I think that is what the original post was about.

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