When you say "mercenary mode", we hear

lol where is the basis on this. All i see is name calling… Mercenary mode, the way for alliance to have a chance at winning, and horde to get pvp gear. Its a win, win. The Alliance arent going to leave alliance because of mercenary mode, they already picked their gimped class, most alliance pve anyways.

its a game, horde would like to play more than once and hour…

Merc mode probably goes a bit too far as a first change.

Start with horde to alliance faction changes.

If that doesn’t work, then horde vs horde bgs

If that doesn’t work? Screw it. Launch the nuke and implement Merc mode

I also would like no lines when I go to an amusement park. We don’t alway get what we want.

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The day they add merc. mode I’m deleting my 70 alliance druid and going back to this character. He’s not being overdramatic. Only reason I went alliance was for fast queues, if I can get those as Horde why would I stay over there?


Why wouldn’t it work? Once they add H → A faction changes no one has any excuse anymore.

And you are being equally selfish by arguing against it. Turns out that EVERYONE is self-interested, the majority of the time.

I’d just as happily take free faction transfers to underrepresented factions on any given server, but given mercenary mode is both easier to bring over and less likely to cost them money directly, it’s against my self-interest to push for that more than merc mode.

I don’t care about alliance or horde; the entirety of the war is arbitrary, forced, and makes little sense the further the story goes. It directly impedes gameplay at both ends of the spectrum, as we can see right now. It should have been addressed and fixed 15 years ago, but we find ourselves here, in a position where Blizzard is unlikely to change anything meaningfully to address the issue and a solid portion of players seem to have been hoodwinked into thinking its ok to deny access to portions of a video game as a punishment for choosing a side of an apparently story-driven choice.

I just want to play vidja-games, without restarting from the start 100 hours in because Blizzard doesn’t want to lose my $30 transfer fee.

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I won many battlegrounds yesterday as Alliance. What are you talking about? I literally have a screenshot from yesterday of Horde getting CRUSHED in a turtle in AV yesterday.


I dunno why it wouldn’t work. Just saying if the problem persists, additional changes might be required.

No mercenary mode, not getting your fix by further depleting the Alliance pvp player base, get this out of your heads.

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It’s funny; there were a couple of people who adamantly argued that there was NO WAY that feral was going to be changed because it was fixing a playstyle that Blizzard didn’t like anyway and blah blah blah long story short feral has now changed 3 weeks later.

TL:DR; squeaky wheel (eventually) gets the grease.

Reroll Alliance.

Nah… we’ll just keep using our (considerably larger) voice to state our discontent until the problem is fixed.

Considering how long people have been complaining about CRZ, don’t hold your breath.

Literally haven’t seen a thread about CRZ for 18 months.

you do not have Ion the Horde Lover to hold the Hordes hand and change their diapers in classic, not going to be as easy as in retail.

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In retail yes - horde racials were selected by top-end raiders. That added to the faction imbalance from a purely pve perspective.

You will see a lot of pvpers go ally in wotlk because of EMFH.

That all said, merc mode didn’t make the population imbalances any worse. All it did was allow bg queues to happen. Sure, it doesn’t create a direct incentive for people to roll ally, but in order to do that blizz would have to create an incentive so strong that it’s wildly OP and would result in a backlash flip/flop of factions.

If they add faction changes and it doesn’t work they don’t need to do anything else.

“Our queues are long and we don’t want to lose our progress on our characters”

“Here you can swap factions and do your part in balancing factions and you’ll have fast queues”



Nah. We cried on the forums for two years straight with alliance specific issues and got no grease.

I just wish people could play for fun. The min/max mentality drove me away from classic. :confused: