When WoW ends

You could find out now, just by running content with old gear equipped on a toon that has bad luck, see what happens.

To be fair, Daybreak Games just released a new EQ expansion. They may be a small crew compared to nearly 25 years ago, but they’re still putting out content. That’s also where they recruited Holy Longdale from.

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While I agree for the most part, times change and as times get harder, all games will begin to lose players for a bit.

MMO’s have a social aspect to them which will become more useful as social media takes a nose dive (if it does) and that could change things up.

Idk, we’ll have to see but right now, it’s a pretty good bang for our bucks where entertainment is concerned.

Just do what I do when I get bored of it now go and play other games

Back to Counter-Strike and Siege.

All hail Holly, savior of MMOs!

No King rules forever!

More like curator of classic servers.:slightly_smiling_face:

She was the producer during EQ’s time locked progression servers introduction as well.

I’m not a Classic player, but monetizing those servers instead of punishing people for proliferating and playing your game was a perfectly sensible idea and I’m only sad that it took Blizzard so long to figure that out.

Guys are arguing semantics. I’m willing to bet what you consider popular and what he considers popular are vastly different.

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I remember this being asked in either Vanilla or TBC during those “My staff is a good one” days and someone said something like:

“When they finally shut the servers down I’ll put my feet up and remember the good times because I’ll have long stopped playing by then.” and I always wonder about that guy. Is he still playing? Does he remember writing that? What does he think about WoW now?

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I’ll most likely be bowing down to our new alien overlords with the rest of humanity, since that will probably be when WoW will end.

Plot twist:

Aliens will invade just so they can gain control of World of Warcraft.


I’m sure I’ll be dead before WoW is.

Yeh I keep forgetting though to try because the rumour is not that you have to have bad gear equipped, but literally have no good gear for that slot at all, bags and alt specs included.

So the idea is just before a raid boss you want something from, sell all your weapons, or gloves, or helmets and what not, but make sure you have no more than 12 sold so you can recover them after the fight.

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I’ll probably play another game.

Back in the day I would be bummed. The culture has shifted so much that is just something to do but not really expecting any great story or compelling changes away from an esport ever so won’t miss it one bit.

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Realistically, another game will enter the industry and grapple onto the ex-WoW players. Too big of a community not to.

Me personally, I would find another game to play. Once a gamer, always a gamer!

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So for now you are bound…in agony?

I’ll see myself out. :joy:

lol mic dropped that!

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