When WoW ends

Don’t forget to put your gag on too, keep the agony going.

Focusing on fighting games. Bought street fighter 6 and king of fighters 15 and now I realize playing wow for so many years made me horrible at those.


A bidet? You lavish your animals. mine just get a box of cat litter.

^ This probably.
Keep Calm and Carry On.

I’ve personally always been poopy at fighting games.

The trick is to strap the cat in so he can’t run

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I’m guessing most will just go play on a private server.

I went to Evo twice. Won some amateur tournaments… But right now with so much wow and covid that happened, it shows I havn’t picked up a fightstick in well over 3 years. The motivation about fighting game is going out and meet people for the best or the worse and just having fun at events. Being indoor and just playing fighting by yourself is meh, so I kind of stopped for playing wow only and yeah skills took a harsh hit LOL

I seriously doubt wow will end soon, Microsoft just bought it ! I was worried they would not continue development after the title change , but I was wrong! The only thing I don’t want to go through maybe is another level crunch. The gear upgrades for max level sorta slow that down , i just wish chromie would let max level pick timelines too. I am sure there is a reason why not , but there would be more variety .

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Everything has and end.
Even WoW.
One day the official servers will shutdown for the last time.

Sounds like we are going to be ok for at least a few more years.
We see what happens after that.

You know, you’re right, obviously you’re right.

But WoW has been around literally since I started actively playing games on the internet.
Which was when I was 10.

It’s one of those things that’s gonna feel really weird when it goes, even if I’m not playing by then.

2004 wasn’t very long after it became viable to even have “Massive Multiplayer Online” games.

MMO used to be a marketing thing because not all networks could support lots of players playing any kind of game together online. Now it refers to a fantasy adventure online co-op genre.

Around 1991 I played one that was AOL only back in the 90’s “Neverwinter Night’s”, no not the same as the Steam one you have now.

I think playstation first debuted in 1994 and the xbox was shortly after around 2000 or so. Neither had online multiplayer until around 2003 or 2004 where I lived as I recall.

So to be fair, WoW has been around more or less since it was even possible(read that as viable in most cases/areas) to play with other people online.

Going to really be the end of an era when WoW ends.

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