When WoW ends

That’s not what he’s talking about…

probably start writing that new york times best seller I’ve been working on for 27 years

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My fear is there will come a day when my arthritis hurts so bad or deforms my hands that I can no loner play… thill then, I’ll not worry about it and will cross that bridge when I get there. Sure it will be hard to walk away… but guess that means I’ll have to return to my other hobbies as an artist and photographer.

Same thing happen to shadowbane back in the day. I was hoping to explore that world a bit more, but that didn’t last long.

Other ways to play WoW will probably just become more common if WoW shuts down.

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Yeah, this is fair. It’s going to be widely known among, like, the younger half of millennials. The people going to school and such while WoW was at its peak and actively advertising with celebrities and such.

And the amount of people who are familiar with it is going to drop a lot as you go younger. MMOs as a whole have not been relevant since about 2014. That’s a decade ago btw.

I wish people who say this would stop. This simply isn’t true in the slightest.

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It very much is true.

I’m not saying they’re not still made or don’t still get players, but around 2014 was the last time they were anywhere near being a big deal in the mainstream.

It isn’t true. If anything it’s been revitalized by games like FF14.

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FFXIV hasn’t been relevant to anyone but existing FFXIV players and WoW players for that like 4 month period where all the WoW streamers left to go play FFXIV during the lawsuit drama.

Didn’t matter to anyone else.

Again, good game, but it doesn’t attract the attention the genre did outside of its bubble a decade or more ago.

It’s more of a theme park now too. The unlimited griefing you could pull off there circa 2007-2012 was top notch. Can’t even torture someone on teamspeak and post it on the internet now!

RIP the bonus room

There’s also a lot of people who play games like this for extended periods of time because life has decided to deal them a losing hand, aka those with crippling disabilities, whether they be physical or mental.

So, the amount of time they spend playing games isn’t entirely by choice, it is more of a “well, what else can I do? I need something to occupy my time…” sort of scenario.

Video games are a great distraction and time killer, and/or it helps them stay focused on something. It also gives people goals, whether they are big or small, to work toward if the game they are playing is an MMO like this.

So yeah, some players get REALLY emotionally invested as a result because it has become an integral part of their everyday life.


I will just go play another game. Just because i have been playing wow off and on for the last 20 years doesn’t mean i care about it that much.

Of course this happens but this isn’t the case from almost all of the people I have encountered over the years in this situation. I’ve known one guy who was legit disabled and couldn’t work, he was also a vet.

I guess your mileage may very.

edit: I also knew one girl who was mute, forgot about her. So the vet and her.

Idk I’ll worry about it in 20 years.

Finally clean out my backlog of games while seeing if some one to resurrect it like they did for City Of Heroes.

Wake me up when WoW ends.

I’d play until the last second hoping to get isekai’d into the game.

Sure, and still going pretty strong from what I understand, although I won EVE many years ago and have no intention of losing it again.

Yeah I doubt it will ever really die. Sometimes I still play old arcade games on a chip I can plug into my TV. If Classic has taught us anything, it’s that even after the commercial business is gone there will still be people who care enough to preserve and play the game. The fact that fans are still making EverQuest content tells me that it will take the collapse of a technological society before this stuff will disappear.