When WoW ends

I’ll probably be depressed about it for a little while, but eventually I will get over it and move onto something else. It has been a large part of my life. Saying goodbye will be pretty hard.

I’m not joking, I am going to be dead when WoW closes its log in servers.

This game is nearly an institution in entertainment world wide. If Microsoft deals bliz good cards and plays Bliz’s cards right… This game can go on for another 3+ decades.


Basically, the end of The Truman Show.


It will not shut down. Before this happens, they will switch to p2p.

Runescape is the destiny of many mmo players. If only they’ll keep OSRS running permanently.

But as we know…and know well…nothing lasts forever.

edit: In other words, yeah the game will die off eventually, but it’s already taking GENERATIONS to do it…so how long do you think that’ll be?


… Really hard to say. WoW has some of the same magic Tetris or Chess has, where even if the player base is dwindling, people would return to play their favorite toon. The only possible way for WoW to die is if humanity itself is wiped by some unforeseen otherworldly disaster.


Check out where things stand with those Riot folks.

Wow wont just shut down they will prob stop making content first and goto into something like classic mode for a while ill say probably another 20+ years

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Make good and sure I have other games to play with my friends here.

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More then that i wouldn’t be shocked if it has a steady fanbase.

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what that sounds crazy my limit is 20 looks like im never trying it then oh well.

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It’s sad to think that many peoples lives revolve around video games. Even some of the people on the forum, it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon, or night they are here. I’ve met numerous players in this game who are well into their 30’s and still live at home with their parents and do not work, all by choice, and sit here playing games with enough hours a week to equal two full time jobs. Video game addiction is real but eventually these people have to step up and do something other than play games, their parents won’t be around forever to support them.

Eve has been around since 2003, before WoW, if you haven’t tried it in the last almost 21 years then it’s doubtful that you’re going to try it now.

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I’ve played WoW since 04, and used to play for hours; now I log in once per week for raid night. I’m more attached to the people I raid with than the actual game itself. Not sure how it’s shutdown will affect me, tbh.

On its last day, I will log out, in cat form, asleep at the feet of the Dark Lady.

Victory for Sylvanas!

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Sneaks in my missile gunship and pods your miner.

Oh look at all this free ore just floating out in space…!


I wish that should this ever happen in the near future, they use the time to perfect scaling tech so they can make ALL dungeons M+ and ALL raids scale properly to max level.

So in the final days of WoW, people can once again storm through Molten Core (but with their max level characters) and face the challenge again.

It would be ridiculous of course because some old raids would just be so easy with new skills and such, and some trinkets annd weapons would be super OP if they scaled up (thinking guldan’s vial thing that could 1 shot people in pvp).

It would be fun though.

Upon much thought i came up with a radical solution. Ill move on and play something else :roll_eyes:

I swear some of yall need some real purpose and meaning in life. Wow.

Considering Everquest 1 is still going. A game that only hit 500k subs at its peak. I will probably be dead before WoW truely dies.

I agree with this. I’ve been playing warcraft games since 1994 when “orcs & humans” came out. I retired in 2015, and still play warcraft in some shape one way or another. There will always be some kind of branch off of these games. Looks like Blizzard has a minimum of 4 more years planned for wow at this point. We all know as long as there is a profit in it, they will keep going. I have, however, seen a pretty massive drop off of things like “customer support quality” and blue game master live interactions. Use to be a game master would address you live in the game to help you out. That hasn’t been a thing now for many years, so it is “decomposing” in a way from its once greatness. It already is a game blizzard has begun to leave behind. I’m not sure if its because of the parent company making cuts, or if its something else. There does seem to be a falloff once Activision acquired blizzard in 2008. Now with Microsoft owning it, they could just decide to eliminate it for no reason other than they just got tired of dealing with it.

At some point there will probably be a release of a warcraft like game with a major graphic engine change to bring a sharper more realistic game as pc’s continue to advance. But I suspect “World of Warcraft” will be around at least longer than I will be alive at this point. I use to play with my kids as they grew up, they moved on with their lives, and I’m still here.


Yooooo that’s actually a super cool idea buying your characters into a resin

There’s at least 3 toons id do that for right now

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