When will you make demon hunter playable again?

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

since we mainly just need the st buff and we barely hit choas strike in the glaive build they could tripple first blood “first target struck” might raise our st overall like 10%. minmaxxing as a dh is usually about trying to get that right when its on cd even tho fury and gcd can make it delayed a few seconds at worst and over half a sec each time at best which adds up over a fight. when going into things that make up 5% between players things such as that

dude…your mythic parse score is 22 and your using the TG build in mythic kaz. not only that but you scuffed every essb window you did and missed 2 more essb windows. why do you have to lie about your performance??? there is no benefit and it only makes you look bad

warcraftlogs com/reports/CMnW4pdHfraQ82bL#fight=9&type=damage-done&source=22&view=timeline

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

hows it a lie, you are not a dh have you even did mythic to know what you have to dodge and I am full blue and purple in heroic its not much better. tg build is pretty much matched with mid track. doesn’t help that eye beem no longer lines up with blade dance or eye beem on that build so it kinda shoots iteself in the foot

??? the log is right there man. also

what? you even said you didnt have to do any mechanics so theres legit no excuse not to do this. like i get it my parses arnt pretty to look at but im not parading it around saying “im the best player in the wordl! buff my spec cause im doing poor damage”

want me to check and evaluate your heroic logs too? i could and i can probably find simliar problems

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

not sure why some meta ret POS is in here tbh, shoo


so basically, you have no defense and thus resort to “hes a meta player! DONT LOOK AT MY LOGS” dude, im not even mad about this. im just pointing out that you shouldnt lie about your own performance when anyone can look at them, it just ruins your own credibility and the credibility of asking for havoc buffs.

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www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

you are full blue and green in heroic and not even 9/9h dude you have no room to talk, bye



cool, that still doesnt explain why your acting like this. like i said before

again you really have no room to talk like that if you dont have the stuff to back it up

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

my defence is I have played dh since they came out even if i had to make new ones on different servers and/or transfer. always full blue and purples in heroic usually its near full purple as the patch goes on. I can tell you how it feels to play and when its not looking right. its not about 1 patch cycle, the things they did to DH just made them far less viable since most of the bosses are ST, their max potential is way lower.

dude stop moving the goal post. same issue in your heroic logs btw, poor essb windows with 0 initiative, not even running the st based build. your running the aoe tg one in st bosses. no wonder your st is going to feel like absolute dog. that has nothing to do with how blizzard left havoc, its about your own performance

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

ok so i could do what 5% more? 10%? that 110k going to 120 when everyone else doing 180 yeah ok sure. well have fun doing greens and blues in heroic, a gray in mythic is better than nothing, people who do mythic often get lower parses from not ignoring mechanics unless the whole teem agrees to take turns on who gets power infusion etc and gets to ignore the mechanics


what? dude you said it yourself you had 0 mechanics (even checkable in your log) and you still messed up your essb window. do you know how much damage doing it poorly wastes? how much damage you lose not doing RH opener or inner demon. hell even those shattered destiny is annoy af but it does alot in st.

im giving you solutions here to help with your st damage but your just not listening and hiding behind every excuse so you can keep saying “dh bad buff it”. im sorry but mythic is the type of content you have to push as much damage as you possibly can so you dont int your group.

for example the highest mythic kaz havoc is pushing 135k. you did 81k. that is a 50k difference. these are not numbers im pulling out my bum btw. these are all in logs. logs that you clearly know how to use because you pulled out my sh!t ones as a “gotcha” attempt

so whats the next goal post movement?

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What point about azerite powers? I was talking exclusively about Furious Gaze and haste.

Versatility increases felt power, and if you don’t know why it’s because you’ve never pushed the envelope of content. If you’re doing high end content that damage reduction matters. You’d know this if you actually did it.

If you’re just doing heroic raid and a weekly 20 then none of this matters to you anyways.

Says the one posting on their alt. Again there is NEVER a reason to stack vers for the defensive value unless maybe doing R1 keys and thats a very .01% of the community. You clearly have no idea what the hell you’re talking about so peace out troll

Not sure what sort of identity youre wanting havoc to have. But it sounds very bedge.

You’re supposed to always hold eye beam and use it with the essence break window if you’re playing the TG build so yeah you’re clearly playing it wrong and then want to complain about dps? Again work on your performance and then come back

Also the TG build shouldn’t even be used on Kazz because its an AOE build and Kazz is a straight ST fight

www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33/ since none of you guys look this up on your own and just like to keep talking crap when mythic raiders are the top 1% in this game I guess I will have to link this in every post from now on

most the time I do unless the fight gets hectic but its not like he’s looking over all the fights or anything hes just a green and blue player, warcraft logs shows what dh can do so not sure me not having oranges has anything to do with this when blue and purple is like 95% of the damage, way parses work even a 1% more damage over other players can jump you up several %s

last night on the fire twins I used the st build for roughly 20-30 pulls, then went to throw glaive build for 2 and outdid the damage even tho in st build the fury flood makes it way easier to get a 2nd choas strike in with the first and blade dance in the window. are we supposed to do something weird like hold eyebeam anyways even if its more than 9 seconds away because of CDR? any time I have ever used this build it has seemed useless for all content

You’re posting overall statistics and looking at us toward the bottom without considering why. First essentially Hacoc DH up till sub rogue are all middle of the pack. Their avg dps numbers are all within about 3k so they are essentially on the same level and it doesn’t matter. On top of that, this raid is basically all ST which is our weakest area so of course we aren’t set up for success here. Do we need a slight buff? Yes, and I’ve said that but this sky is falling DH is unplayable nonsense is just straight wrong.

Again you’re playing wrong. You need to actually research how to play the spec before you start complaining about dps. if you’re playing the ST build then you can fit a 2nd eye beam in between essence break casts so you don’t hold it like you do the TG build. You’re doing more damage with the TG build because it’s a build you’re familiar with so of course you’re going to perform better on top of the fact that you’re playing the other build wrong.

maybe I need a lot more haste for that build because its looking more like you can fit 1.5 eyebeams in a ess break window and that’s why it has always fealt bad, you have to have a completely different set of gear thats crit haste instead of crit mastery it sounds like

before you ask I have 42% crit, 5% haste, 46% mastery, 11% verse. and for pretty much the whole expansion TG has been really close so even if any adds come out at all even if it is not often there was no point in swapping

I will try it with holding ess break as long as I need to to pair with 2nd eye beam and report back next week

yup haste is showing higher than crit and everything else in sims…they tell us crit mastery forever and bis list still shows mostly that but guess we actually have to sim and stat balance now because of the 40% DR…fun