Kael’thas was the first actual race leader to be killed as dungeon and raid boss and Velen was the guy having the final say at the Sunwell raid. The Blood elves were essentially extras in their own story.
I know this is A LOT of Hopium on my part BUT I hope Kael’thas does comeback either as a short guess NPC cameo… or as being permanently assign by the Covenants with some Maldraxy, Ebon Blade, Forsaken and even a Illidari in case of a Dreadlord showing up, to Northrend to either reform or incinerate and thus sending them to the SL to be judge the remnants of the San’layn and Liches commanding what’s left of the mindless Scourge… maybe as a side quest or maybe even as part of the main quest when we go to Northrend, obviously showing up at Silvermoon!
I would freaking looooove some see some Darnassian, Thalassian, and Naga* (Oopsie Nazja it’s their written language) political drama!
Thank you! I blocked that gaslighting bully forever XD
What do you think that sort of drama would look like? At least to you anyway.
I think you misread the room in that quest. Alleria recognized it as political theater because Lor’themar had “anticipated and spurned” Anduin’s offer to faction swap even before she delivered it. He was also aware that she’d been touched by the Void: “Do you deny that the lords of the Void whisper to you? Did you not surrender yourself to the shadows on Argus?”
She visited Silvermoon again in a recent short story and the citizenry shunned her as a Void leper. I don’t think she’s very popular with John Blood Elf.
Orcs were the original users of void. It would of been very easy to include them if blizzard wanted. Story isn’t just about Azeroth, it is about the void as an entity. That being said most of the alliance races are not from Azeroth either. Human, drawfs, Gones, Dranie, worgen they all origins outside of Azeroth. They however get plenty of screen time and involvement in the story.
Well, Darnassian history is divided between Highborn and Night Elves, Naga and Night elves might have a few things to say to each other specially if their leaders are there…
I can see Night elf saying something about Nagas serpent or tentacle hair, while the Naga look down with all that superior actitud flair they seem to carry, make a dismissive expression, on the elf that made the comment and probably make fun on how they still roll on the barn, playing with the farm animals, seeing how they keep vines and leaves on their own hair! Then out of the blue this Void elf says: “What’s wrong with her hair, I think it’s very sophisticated and exotic” pointing to her own void tentacle hair… Naga then struggle to return the compliment saying something like: “Yours, look… nice”
OH gosh, from there you can jump to so many things! I do hope the lore team cut lose and don’t shy away from harsh to spicy… maybe even get to see an interaction with the Leaders… with that I have trouble to picture… if Azshara is around… not sure how Tyrande would behave or even Lothemar and Thalyssra…
I can see Azshara making a grand entrance (Please let it be a cinematic she change her Naga form to a New Beautiful Visage, with Naga traits, almost like how Dracthyr look but in Night Elf bodies!) interrupting a speech or ceremony and saying: “Fear not my people your one true Queen has arrived!”
If Kael’thas and Sylvanas (with other undead elves like the Darkfallen, Illidari, Ebon Blade DKs and San’layn) are there, with the other elven NPC heroes and elven leaders I love to see how they animate their reactions and voice lines!!
Oh man, I could go on…and on how they could argue about magic, how to work together without restricting each others activities… to just funny jokes, squibbles and jabs at each other depending what type of elf and their customs if we get any mention!
Still not sure if we will see the Harronir there or at least Orweyna since even if they look a bit elven they seem to have some troll traits… well all elven kind came from trolls too so…ummm that could be a valid yet funny argument if a bit insulting to some nobles!
Ack… look, I already made a page of fan fic dribble!! Anyway I’m sure the Story devs would get it right… IMO.
Yes all of this.
Yeah, it’s pretty clear looking at your response history on numerous threads that your entire purpose is to try to troll up arguments and just be inflammatory so we’re done here.
Well duh he was never going to accept her offer considering the last time they were in negotiations to rejoin the alliance, the Night Elves and the Dwarven ambassador sent from the Alliance conspired to try to destroy the arcane sanctums holding the scourge back. That’s been a starting quest for Blood Elves since day 0 of TBC. I’m legit surprised she’d even accept it other than as an excuse to go home even if just for a little while. Which if memory serves is exactly what she said after paying lip service to the offer.
Yeah cause last time she was there, her voidiness almost destroyed the Sunwell just by her leaning down to get close to it.
No one was expecting that to happen. Especially since Umbric and the other Void Elves had been banished before they had the chance to get near the Sunwell and try anything actively (which was their goal iirc). So everyone (Alleria herself included) was kind of shocked that someone void touched just being near it would have that effect.
And there were a LOT of folks there who witnessed it first hand, not just Lor’themar. Word would have spread pretty quickly what happened. And they def don’t want her anywhere even within thinking distance of the Sunwell any more. Justifiably so. Even more so now that she’s actively leading the Void Elves and is visibly channeling the Void non-stop now, which wasn’t the case on her last visit.
My arguments are better then yours. Horde players shouldn’t be nice to Anduin and Alleria period or feem comfortable. I want wotlk Back where Horde NPCs give me quests.
Then go play classic. The story and the world has moved on from those days.
Alliance bias is a problem. Blizzard needs to stop assuming everyone bows to human Overlords.
Absolutely no one but yourself thinks that.
Erevine hates Vanilla too. His preferred version of the Horde is the WC I & II Horde, who were owned by demons and got to genocide. He has repeatedly made this very clear.
I would be happy If Blizzard stopped throwing alliance leaders at me and expects to be normal about it.
Not even that. He said he hated Metzen’s Warcraft. He likes the aggro Horde parts of Cata and Shadowlands, apparently. Square that, somehow.
Pft. Easy-peasy.
Erevine hates the Horde under both Garrosh and Sylvanas because ultimately they they did not serve demons.
He will deny this, but indisputably that and the Garrosh/Sylvanas Horde being more successful than the Old Horde are the only differences. He’ll say something like “well they lost their wars,” ignoring that ultimately whenever the Horde and Alliance have a war, the Horde loses.
So really, it’s the demon-servitude. He just really wishes to be a demon’s slave.
The Horde is only good when they can defeat the alliance.
If it is just a lack of the Horde having any decent lore left for an expansion, one has to wonder why they haven’t done anything about it?
They are developing Alliance lore for the future. I mean Alleria’s background being used in this expansion isn’t anything from her old Lore. It was her void aspect as developed over the last few expansions.
It is hard to conclude that they are happy ignoring the Horde.
I came to the conclusion they hate the Horde. No other MMO with factions treats the one half of the playerbase this way especially when you have easy contenders as comparison(ESO, FF14 and SWTOR).